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Tucson, Arizona
2 Questions
51 Karma

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Daniel Aug 22, 2018 496 views

As an introvert, is out of state tougher to transition to than in state?

I am an introvert that is eyeing many out of state schools, such as MIT and Princeton, but is also willing to attend the University of Arizona, where I live. For some people (generally extroverted), leaving the home seems like an exciting and very desirable experience. However, I have always...

Daniel’s Avatar
Daniel Aug 22, 2018 478 views

What is the best way to decide on what you want to do in life/college?

I am very interested in Physics and Computer Science; however, I do not feel prepared yet to decide on what I intend to do in life. Due to this, I am going to apply to colleges as undecided. But after that, I'm not sure what I can do experience as many fields as I can without losing focus. #college