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Campbellsville, Kentucky
2 Questions
86 Karma

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Alanna’s Avatar
Alanna Aug 28, 2018 2447 views

How can I appeal to internships with little experience in my field?

I'm really interested in a summer internship in biology, wildlife, or environmental science but most applications ask for experience related to the job. I want an internship in order to have experience for my future career but I'm afraid of being rejected due to lack of it. #internship #career...

Alanna’s Avatar
Alanna Aug 28, 2018 727 views

Can I pursue a career in wildlife biology if I'm majoring in environmental biology?

I love to work with wildlife and want to work at a state park as a wildlife biologist or naturalist after I graduate but my college doesn't have w wildlife biology major. I'm a Sophomore and completing an environmental biology degree and worried my career options are limited. #career #biology...