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Lucas’s Avatar


Coral Gables, Florida
2 Questions
66 Karma

Lucas’ Career Goals

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Lucas’s Avatar
Lucas Aug 29, 2018 712 views

Is it worth it to take out student loans?

I’ve been constantly going back and forth between shooting for a big name school (and taking on the loans that go with it)and going where I know I can get an education for basically free. I feel like expert opinions could really help as, especially with undergrad, it seems like it isn’t worth...

Lucas’s Avatar
Lucas Aug 29, 2018 663 views

Is it really worth it to go to a big name school?

I’ve been constantly going back and forth between shooting for a big name school and going where I know I can get an education for basically free. I feel like expert opinions could really help as, especially with undergrad, it seems like it isn’t worth the pressure and extra money. With a 1520...