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Mitchell Strack’s Avatar

Mitchell Strack

Sr Operations Manager
Management Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
3 Answers
4026 Reads
1 Karma

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Christopher’s Avatar
Christopher Aug 12, 2018 685 views

How can I balance working for income while also being a full time student?

I'm working this next year and I don't want to neglect either my job or my school work. #Dowhatyouhavetodo #college-student

Savannah’s Avatar
Savannah Aug 30, 2018 889 views

How hard is it to keep up your school work and play a sport at the same time?

#athlete #school #soccer

Sinit’s Avatar
Sinit Jun 27, 2018 1515 views

How can I play soccer and how can I be a good player?

#soccer #sports #professional-athlete #professional-sports #athletics