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Chicago, Illinois
2 Questions
126 Karma

Jennifer’s Career Goals

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Jennifer’s Avatar
Jennifer Oct 12, 2018 1163 views

My family & friends

I will be a undergraduate next fall. I am hoping to attend one of the best schools that I personally believe has a great Nursing program for me. However, it is no where near home. I have always dreamed of a movie like college experience. I want to become much more independent and all, but My...

Jennifer’s Avatar
Jennifer Oct 12, 2018 795 views

What should I do? What do you all suggest?

I'm 18, a senior in high school. I am so stressed because well its senior year. I don't work but I have been working hard to finish my common app. I know I want to be a Pre-Nursing, Nursing BSN/RN major but many schools dont have it. Many people suggest I should take my basic classes first....