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Manya Rastogi’s Avatar

Manya Rastogi

Product Marketing Dell
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Austin, Texas
3 Answers
2825 Reads
1 Karma

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Adriana’s Avatar
Adriana Oct 22, 2018 849 views

What do students usually do after just graduating college?

#collegeready #college #graduate #college-advice #almostacollegestudent

Anna’s Avatar
Anna Aug 28, 2018 1368 views

What is considered a 4.0 GPA? Is it anything above a 95 average? or is it a 100 average?

having trouble determining my GPA.
#collegeapplications #seniors

Sohail’s Avatar
Sohail Nov 02, 2018 780 views

which field should I go after 10+2 as my maths is very strong

I am very confused about what should I do after 10+2. after all my maths is very strong #engineering