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Michael Kantor’s Avatar

Michael Kantor

Software Engineer
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
2 Answers
1984 Reads
1 Karma

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Dimetrius’s Avatar
Dimetrius Jul 11, 2018 1113 views

Should I go straight through to my PhD?

Should I get my masters and work while getting my PhD, or should I go straight through and get my PhD, interning along the way? Which way gets me more experience, and which would insure that I will have a job?

#social-work #PhD #internship #masters #PhD #MSW

sabrina’s Avatar
sabrina Aug 31, 2018 959 views

Is earning a PhD worth the time?

Besides the eventual money payoff, it the investment in all that time and work for school for all those years worth it? #phd #medicine #education #graduate-school #college-bound