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Jennifer Baker’s Avatar

Jennifer Baker

I am an Underwriter and Credit Analyst, as well as an experienced Trainer, Learning Coach, and Instructional Designer.
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
4 Answers
5820 Reads
16 Karma
Alisha’s Avatar
Alisha Jan 03, 2019 641 views

How did you know that what you were doing for your chosen profession was the right one.

- No idea which path to go down entering college
- Truthfully.

Nerissa’s Avatar
Nerissa Aug 27, 2018 832 views

How do I know when it is time to transfer schools

#financial-services #human-resources

Emmanuel’s Avatar
Emmanuel Apr 04, 2018 1251 views

how can I manage my money before going into debt

#money-management #business #financial-services

Ronaldo’s Avatar
Ronaldo Jan 19, 2018 3323 views

How do mortgages work?

My high school never taught me anything about mortgages, loans, debt, credit or any of that stuff that I will need in life. I am planning to move out of my parents home, but I have no idea how mortgages work and I want to get a house. #house-plans #mortgage #financial-planning