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Christina Montsma, MACP’s Avatar

Christina Montsma, MACP

Program Development | Student Succes | Growth Strategy | Data & Research
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
California, California
2 Answers
1423 Reads
1 Karma

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Ty’s Avatar
Ty Feb 27, 2019 605 views

How do I know if my choices are the right one to choose?

Am I going on the right path? #LifeChoices

Esther Lapite’s Avatar
Esther Aug 15, 2018 857 views

What would you consider to be the hardest/worst day on the job as a licensed clinical psychologist? And would you say that even after a day like that that the profession would still be worth it?

Although this is my dream career, I'm starting to have some doubts if I'm capable of it or if I should seek another career in the psychological field. I want to be able to learn and prepare for the worst and see if its something I was born to overcome and surpass. #isitworthit...