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Javier León’s Avatar

Javier León

2 Answers
2634 Reads
26 Karma

Tags on answered questions

Hayley’s Avatar
Hayley Aug 17, 2018 560 views

I plan on going to college fall of 2020 and I’m worried about how I am going to be able to pay for college. Tuition, books, boarding,etc. is $25,000+! What scholarships should I look into and is there a limit on how many scholarships a person can have?

#classof2024 #graduate

Axel’s Avatar
Axel Mar 28, 2019 2150 views

What kind of jobs are in high demand?

I want to do something that will allow me to earn a six figure income.
Ideally something involving business and technology
I love working with others
#business #career #engineering #technology