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Megan Ennes

Lake Worth, Florida
2 Answers
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Joannacodman2’s Avatar
Joannacodman2 Feb 08, 2012 3268 views

how do you start marine biology and were should you go if interested ?

i am interested in marine biology and i want to start working whit marine life so how should i start?? #biology #animals #marine

Wantionette’s Avatar
Wantionette May 23, 2012 10153 views

What is the path to becoming a succesful marine biologist?

I want to become a marine biologist, but I don't know what majors to pursue in college. I have been told that in college I need to take classes in zoology or even animal science, but I don't know the career path for a successful career in marine biology. #career-paths #animals #marine