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noel’s Avatar


Woodside, CA
3 Questions
141 Karma

noel’s Career Goals

My dream career involves the medical field, I want work with kids, I'm really interested in OBGYN delivering babies as well as pediatrics. I'm also interested in general surgery as well. #medicine #doctor #babies #helpingpeople #kids

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noel’s Avatar
noel May 03, 2019 504 views

How long is a work week for a surgeon or someone who delivers babies? Is there time/ is it hard to have a family for your own or be there for them in general?

#medicine #surgeon #doctor #familyTime #workHours

noel’s Avatar
noel May 03, 2019 667 views

How long/ how much schooling is there when it comes to becoming general,peds surgeon or when it comes to going into OBGYN?

#College #SchoolingTime #MedSchool #surgery #premed

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noel Apr 25, 2019 550 views

What classes should I be enrolling into in order to prepare myself to become a doctor?

I want to go into pediatrics or OBYGYN #doctor #medicine