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Jereena Joseph’s Avatar

Jereena Joseph

Consulting Engineer
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
3 Answers
3609 Reads
16 Karma

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Christopher’s Avatar
Christopher Oct 22, 2016 1070 views

What is the range of career fields one can be involved in with a degree in mathematics?

I'm personally very interested in majoring in mathematics in college. #mathematics #applied-mathematics

Clio’s Avatar
Clio May 04, 2019 942 views

Did you ever feel like you had to prove your worth and capabilities in STEM to your peers and/or colleagues? How did you go about doing so?

As a STEM student (civil engineering major), I am constantly reminded about how important it is to stand out from my peers, whether in grades, extracurricular activities/leadership, internships, etc. I feel like going into a STEM education, I've only began realizing how competitive STEM fields...

Ivy’s Avatar
Ivy Oct 19, 2016 2294 views

What is your favorite thing about being a woman in the STEM field?

I attend an all girls school that is very STEM based and I was wondering what the advantages of not only this type of education, but of the career in STEM as a woman are. There is particularly controversy in math and science about the amount of women who occupy these jobs. I would like to know...