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Francesco Guzzo’s Avatar

Francesco Guzzo

Teaching Assistant
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
Itasca, Illinois
3 Answers
2990 Reads
1 Karma

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Keeli’s Avatar
Keeli Apr 06, 2018 1340 views

What is the most important thing about studying to be a veterinarian?

I am wondering what information I should know or is not really necessary. #veterinarian #animals #vet #veterinary #veterinary-medicine

jennifer’s Avatar
jennifer Jul 12, 2019 541 views

what is the hardest part of being a rehabilitation technician?

#biology #medicine

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha Jan 21, 2018 1438 views

What are the fields of work for a marine biologist?

There are so many things to study in the field I don't know how to narrow it down. #somanychoices #marine-biology #careers #biology