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Marko Popovic’s Avatar

Marko Popovic

Management Occupations - Production Occupations
Hoffman Estates, Illinois
3 Answers
1675 Reads
11 Karma

Active Locations

brady’s Avatar
brady Nov 20, 2019 569 views

what is the hardest thing about fixing a motor

I like fixing things and getting my hands dirty. What are some suggestions for rebuilding things like cars.
#car #repare

Kyle’s Avatar
Kyle Aug 27, 2019 647 views

What are some key traits or values an employee must have to succeed in this chosen field/industry?

#painting #painter #artisan #artistry #attentiontodetail

jackson’s Avatar
jackson Aug 27, 2019 467 views

How do we change the break fluid?

i'm an athlete and i don't like to study a lot ..I don't talk a lot and i like to learn how to be a better mechanic.. I graduated on this year.. #engineering