Marisa Chen
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What is the most difficult part about being a full time student in college?
I understand that there are a lot of distractions when you're in an environment as large as the college setting, but I want to be prepared for what obstacles I would face as a college student. #college-advice #college #student #student-life #student-affairs #college-student

Pros and cons of working at the college you're attending?
The university I'm planning to attend has many job opportunities for students to work on campus. I was thinking about doing it as it would help financially and also just to get work experience. Should I? If I do decide to, should I wait until my sophomore or junior years? Or could I handle it...

How often, if at all, do you make decisions?
#student #law-school #psychology #medicine #dermatology #healthcareer #lawyer

At what point in your journey to becoming a lawyer did you decide which type of law you wanted to be in?
I know that I would like to be a lawyer, but I'm not sure which type of law. #law #lawyer #law-school

What do yall recommand I take to perpare for both CMA and a lawyer
I am in Job Corps and I and planning on going into CMA (Certified Nursing Assistant) but plan on going to law school to be a lawyer #law-school #nursing #lawyer