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Marisa Chen’s Avatar

Marisa Chen

Procurement Contracts Administrator
Management Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations
San Jose, California
6 Answers
23041 Reads
1 Karma

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Seth’s Avatar
Seth Apr 26, 2018 18327 views

What is the most difficult part about being a full time student in college?

I understand that there are a lot of distractions when you're in an environment as large as the college setting, but I want to be prepared for what obstacles I would face as a college student. #college-advice #college #student #student-life #student-affairs #college-student

Andrea’s Avatar
Andrea Apr 30, 2014 1530 views

Pros and cons of working at the college you're attending?

The university I'm planning to attend has many job opportunities for students to work on campus. I was thinking about doing it as it would help financially and also just to get work experience. Should I? If I do decide to, should I wait until my sophomore or junior years? Or could I handle it...

laurelyn’s Avatar
laurelyn Sep 06, 2019 823 views

How often, if at all, do you make decisions?

#student #law-school #psychology #medicine #dermatology #healthcareer #lawyer

Cassidy’s Avatar
Cassidy Oct 04, 2019 2613 views

At what point in your journey to becoming a lawyer did you decide which type of law you wanted to be in?

I know that I would like to be a lawyer, but I'm not sure which type of law. #law #lawyer #law-school

Georgia’s Avatar
Georgia Oct 16, 2019 658 views

What do yall recommand I take to perpare for both CMA and a lawyer

I am in Job Corps and I and planning on going into CMA (Certified Nursing Assistant) but plan on going to law school to be a lawyer #law-school #nursing #lawyer

Elaine’s Avatar
Elaine Oct 21, 2019 910 views

How do you become a voice actress?

#actor #theater #art