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Justin, Texas
2 Questions
191 Karma

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Montana’s Avatar
Montana Oct 27, 2015 1172 views

What type of training would I have to go through if I was going to be a detecive?

Hello my name is Montana Goodman and I am in 6th grade. I know what type of training police officers have to go through I am just not sure if detectives have to go through the same type of training if not more then police officers have?
#law #detective #enforcement

Montana’s Avatar
Montana Oct 23, 2015 1448 views

As a detective would I have to go through different stages in law enforcement?

My name is Montana Goodman and I am looking into being a detective. I was told that if you wanted to be a detective you would have to be an officer of some sort. I am not really that sure if it's true or not? #law #enforcement