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Elaine’s Avatar


North Branch, Michigan
3 Questions
181 Karma

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Elaine’s Avatar
Elaine Nov 14, 2019 1593 views

What is it like to be in another country and design clothes

Im a junior and want to go to other countrys and do designing in many places. #asia #cultrelfashion

Elaine’s Avatar
Elaine Nov 14, 2019 515 views

What is it like to be in another country and design clothes

Im a junior and want to go to other countrys and do designing in many places. #asia #cultrelfashion

Elaine’s Avatar
Elaine Nov 14, 2019 575 views

What is it like to be a fashion designer

Im a junior and want to be a fashion designer cause i'm really into fashion and style. #clothes
#style #wardrobe #fashion-design