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Rob Gibbany’s Avatar

Rob Gibbany

Executive communications
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Livermore, California
3 Answers
6241 Reads
1 Karma

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Indhu’s Avatar
Indhu Jun 09, 2020 1618 views

I'm planning to take journalism. I would like to get some insights of choosing it as a career

I would like to know about the following
- best place to study and practice it
-requirements/talents/priorities for taking it up as a full time career
-professional advice for the same #journalism

hector’s Avatar
hector Nov 08, 2019 2760 views

how long do you have to go to school?

#college #school #medical-school #writing #high-school #high-school #high-school #high-school

bianca’s Avatar
bianca Jan 18, 2018 2260 views

I wonder how I can combine my passion for writing and technology into a career that I will absolutely love.

I know it is important for me to live my best life. This starts by finding my 'dream' career. I want to be successful in a career that I am passionate about. #career-counseling #career-choice #career #career-path #plan #future #question #creative-writing #women-in-tech #internships...