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Kellen Bryan’s Avatar

Kellen Bryan

Software Engineer
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
San Francisco, California
4 Answers
8233 Reads
1 Karma

Active Locations

Yves’s Avatar
Yves Oct 16, 2019 1311 views

What steps should I take to prepare for a career in Software Development?

Job Corps- Informational Interview assignment
#software-development #computer-software

natalie’s Avatar
natalie Nov 08, 2019 798 views

what do mobile app developers do ?

#career #career-choice

Samsuzzoha’s Avatar
Samsuzzoha Oct 11, 2019 1460 views

What can make the learning of programming more enjoyable and what kinds of language should I start from? Which types of websites can enrich my knowledge in the field of programming?

I am a beginner and I found it enjoyable. But I want to make it more enjoyable to gain more. #programming #computer-science #technology #math #computer-programming

Ali’s Avatar
Ali May 08, 2016 6525 views

How did you choose what company to work for?

I am interested in a job in technology, but i'm not sure how to go about deciding what company to work for. How did you pick the company you are working at? What factors did you take into consideration? #technology