Nishk’s Career Goals
I want to become a General Surgeon after I finish pre-med and med school.
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Due to corona, what would be the best extra circulars for me to participate in right now?
#college #pre-med #JULY20

If my intent is to go into a pre-med based college, what would my best extracurricular activities be?
#premed #extracurricular #premed #college

I am thinking of doing a CNA course, but my intend is not to go into nursing. I end goal after college is to become a general surgeon. Would taking a CNA course help me with my application to pre-med colleges?
#medicine #premed #premed #medical #nursing #CNA #surgeon #surgery #doctor

My guidance counselor suggested that I take at-least 3 years of my foreign language. I am trying to go to a good pre-med college, and she told me that many want to see at-least 3 years. What is the best option for me?
I am going into 11th grade and have had trouble deciding my foreign language. I am doubling science courses and am not that good at language. I also want to continue my passion for Computer Science. #college #higher-education #guidancecounsler #pre-med #language

What is the best way to identify what colleges that you want to go to?
I am going into 11th grade and looking for colleges to go to.#medicine