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jan Kress’s Avatar

jan Kress

Director of an Occupational therapy program
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
Fredericksburg, Virginia
2 Answers
1677 Reads
11 Karma

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Chelsea’s Avatar
Chelsea Jun 29, 2018 1065 views

Which college majors are best for people aspiring to become occupational therapists?

I'm looking into majors such as human development, neuroscience, psychology, and biology. Are there other majors I should consider? Thanks!
#occupationaltherapy #OT #collegemajors #careeradvice #occupationaltherapist #humandevelopment

Chelsea’s Avatar
Chelsea Jun 29, 2018 1020 views

What are the best ways to prepare for a career as an occupational therapist?

I'm interesting in seeing what OTs did to prepare for their careers. Observations? Internships? Research? Volunteering?
#occupationaltherapy #careeradvice #OT #occupational-therapist