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Cody Amengual’s Avatar

Cody Amengual

Intelligence Analyst
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Military Specific Occupations
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
3 Answers
5285 Reads
11 Karma

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Za'Yana’s Avatar
Za'Yana Apr 09, 2020 2474 views

How do know what careers I'm intersted in.

#career-choice #career #career-path #career-development

Miguel’s Avatar
Miguel Apr 07, 2020 1689 views

I don’t know what I want to work as after college what are good careers for students with a criminal justice degree.

I like reading, writing, and solving puzzles. I like law related topics such as court cases. I enjoy helping people. #criminal-justice

Robert’s Avatar
Robert Apr 07, 2020 1214 views

Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, many traditional hiring practices may not happen. What do you recommend I do for a job search moving forward in these uncertain times?

#job #job-search