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New York, New York
2 Questions
191 Karma

Amaya’s Career Goals

I want to learn more about political science and government work

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Amaya Apr 18, 2020 2931 views

Should I change my major from sociology to political science?

I chose sociology because I have an interest in learning about people and the problems we face in the world. I don’t know what I want to pursue career wise but I do know that I want to be able to change lives for the better. I recently have taken a liking to political science and I think it’s...

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Amaya Apr 14, 2020 1181 views

How do I get more information about where to acquire political experience.

I’m a college freshmen sociology major that goes to a hbcu and I just recently became fond of political science and government. I would love to acquire more knowledge about the major and where I should start to gain experience in that field. #college-major #political-science #sociology #hbcu