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Larry L. Duncan, Jr.’s Avatar

Larry L. Duncan, Jr.

Technical Consultant
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Atlanta, Georgia
6 Answers
14675 Reads
42 Karma

Active Locations

Kryston’s Avatar
Kryston Aug 24, 2020 5532 views

Which subjects do you think are we going to be useful for your future ?

#social-work # history #computer-software #math #mathematics #technology

Karoline’s Avatar
Karoline Jul 22, 2020 2818 views

What aspects of your job do you enjoy / find fulfilling?

#jobs #job-search

Salma’s Avatar
Salma Apr 26, 2020 1603 views

As an online learner, how can I refresh my brain and continue to motivate myself?

Often times, I’ll be on my phone or computer doing schoolwork for so long that my eyes get blurry and my head hurts. So, that affects my speed and determination to get work done. I was wondering if you had any tips on how to relieve stress and refresh my brain. In addition to study tips, I'm...

Karan’s Avatar
Karan Apr 23, 2020 1401 views

Did you choose your career path to better your life or to change the world?

21 year old Sociology major #careers

Tasfia’s Avatar
Tasfia Apr 22, 2020 2501 views

What are some study tips for online learners?

The transition from in person learning to online has been difficult. I am stressed because my teachers gave me homework all at once and I can't complete all the assignments. I used to have high grades and now they are suffering #education #studying #study #studying-tips

Nancy’s Avatar
Nancy Apr 21, 2020 1109 views

Should I get CompTIA A+ Certification?

I wonder if companies required certification for entry-level IT students, or, Is it possible for me to get a job without it. Is it worth it? I did some research and it said it's really good to have it just in case. #HonestOpinon #technology #job-search #career #job-application #internship...