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Valerie Salem’s Avatar

Valerie Salem

Legal Occupations
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
4 Answers
2435 Reads
1 Karma

Active Locations

Lisha’s Avatar
Lisha Oct 26, 2020 883 views

What does it take to become a lawyer?

#lawyer #lawyers #attorney #students

Meghan’s Avatar
Meghan Nov 30, 2020 811 views

When it comes to the criminal justice field, what is the hardest part about staying mentally healthy.

#career #knowledge #experience #criminal-justice #child-psychology I am 16 and I am interested in going into the criminal justice field I was wondering if there were any major mental set backs in your career.

jennel’s Avatar
jennel Apr 20, 2020 837 views

What is LSAT ? ( it is been said that one must score high on it to to enter or apply for law school)

#law #college