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Pat Frederick’s Avatar

Pat Frederick

Sales Consultant
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Sales and Related Occupations
Overland Park, Kansas
5 Answers
7815 Reads
11 Karma

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Karen’s Avatar
Karen May 16, 2018 4183 views

What is a 401K and should I apply for one in my first job?

As I prepare to go into my career, I know insurances and benefits are a huge part of accepting a job. I have never really understood what a 401K is and if I need to apply for it! #401k #insurance #interviews #job-applications

anabel’s Avatar
anabel May 07, 2020 588 views

I know I want to work in the pediatric field, but I don't know exactly I want to be. I do know I don't want to do any surgery.


Maria’s Avatar
Maria May 08, 2020 959 views

What are some jobs for people who are caring not in the medical field?

#medicine #medical #career

Drake’s Avatar
Drake Nov 14, 2019 1787 views

Are there a lot of job openings for insurance agents right now?

#insurance #job-openings

Mehak’s Avatar
Mehak May 07, 2020 741 views

How can I start my career in health care industry

I am doing MBA. But I want to job in health care industry. I have done bachelors of science. But, I don’t have any idea about the start up. # MBA #hospital-and-health-care