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Carmen Merrill’s Avatar

Carmen Merrill

Career Services & Job Readiness Coordinator
Community and Social Service Occupations
San Antonio, Texas
17 Answers
30006 Reads
191 Karma


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Carmen’s Career Stories

What is the one piece of career advice you wish someone gave you when you were younger?

"Aim higher." - said no one. I felt so overwhelmed and intimidated by the cost of college, that I put it off for many years. I love counseling and psychology but the years of education kept me from ever getting started. I knew what poverty was and I felt that accumulating that much debt was a voluntary step in the wrong direction. I didn't know anyone who had success after college, so I couldn't see the benefit. What I didn't understand was that each degree (Bachelor - Masters - PhD.) is a different experience. Many people work normal jobs and have families and continue their education at their own pace. It's NOT like doing 10 more years of high school! College connects you to people who can help you overcome your problems because they have traveled the same rocky road. Now that I'm friends with people who have their PhD, I understand that the title "Doctor" is just that, a title. People with that degree have worked really hard. And that's it. They are not necessarily "naturally smarter" or have million dollar trust funds. My friend has her PhD and we would laugh about going on bad dates, because there is no degree will protect you from a bad date.Or from your parents getting sick. Or from any other experience that makes us all human. If they can do it, I will too. I will aim higher.