Glenville, NC

Does the college you attend and graduate from (whether grad or undergrad) determine your success for the future?
For my school's summer reading book this year, we read "Where You Go is Not Who You'll Be" by Frank Bruni. In small groups, we had a lot of discussion about how even though some people make it big in life coming from not as well known or prestigious schools, the majority come from well-known...

Is a graduate degree required to be successful in meteorology?
What other options do you have with more education #science #meteorology

What other things can you do with a meteorology degree?
Meteorologists aren't just broadcasters, right? #science #meteorology #atmospheric

How do you see the future of health care affecting doctors?
I've been advised my some previous college students that the cost of insurance is too much to pursue a career in medicine #doctor #pediatrics #medicine #healthcare #health-insurance #hospital-and-health-care

What kind of duties and stuff does a criminal profiler need?
I'm doing a career project in class and I'm having a hard time finding any answers #psychology #technology #criminal-justice
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