Career questions tagged science
Science focuses on knowledge of the physical and material world gained through observation and experiments. Science professionals use scientific research to help solve problems and expand knowledge. The field is generally broken down into three main branches: ... Read more Show less

What does a day in the life of a data scientist look like?
Looking to potentially become a data scientist in the future.

What courses should I take to become an Aquatic Biologist?
I've always loved the outdoors and freshwater life, what paths should I take to implement this into my career in the future.

What are some occupations that combine art and stem together?
#art #science #steam #occupation

What does it take to become a Scientist?
This is another kind of career I'd like to study one day. If I want to become a Scientist for my future, what do I need to learn? Like what degree do I need? Or where could be a perfect college? Because I'm planning to learn about some Chemistry, Anatomy, and mostly Technology Science. #science #chemistry #anatomy #technology #career

What are the possible careers one can pursue after majoring in environmental studies?
I am interested in studying environmental studies and dance in college and was wondering what careers others have pursued after earning a degree in environmental studies. How were you offered a job opportunity? What kind of resources were available to you during college that helped you prepare for the workplace? #science #environmental #college #environmentalstudies

Is it worth it becoming a biology major?
-Job opportunities -Salary -Business Development -Enjoyment of field #biology #science #major #college-major #medicine

How to start preparing towards a career in data science ?
I'm looking forward to starting a career in data science and I'm doing my master's right now. So, any information regarding this will be helpful for me. #data-science #databases #python #data-analysis #big-data #hadoop