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Patrice’s Avatar
Patrice Apr 17, 2018 710 views

What are the legitimate scholarship websites?

I've been to MANY websites looking for scholarships but I have not heard back from any of the scholarships that I have applied for. This along with the difficulty associated with using many of these websites (they literally send me in circles without being able to find actual scholarships to...

Patrice’s Avatar
Patrice Apr 17, 2018 853 views

Is there any other choice other than loans?

Throughout the college process, I faced several struggles and at this point in the process, I have been accepted to every college that I applied to but find that I don't know what university I will be attending in the Fall. I have this dilemma not because I have too many options, but because I...

Kylie’s Avatar
Kylie Apr 04, 2018 2296 views

What is the hardest part about being a music teacher, and what is the best part about teaching music?

I'm planning on getting my degree in music education (possibly with a choral specialization) and I'm curious as to what the most difficult and most rewarding parts of teaching music are. What can I expect when I start teaching? Are there any skills I can start working on to help overcome...

Kylie’s Avatar
Kylie Apr 04, 2018 755 views

How can I market myself best as a choral music educator?

I'm a junior in high school right now, but I know that I'm destined to be a music teacher. I mostly have experience in a choral setting, and that is my true passion, but I know not many schools will hire someone who only has a choral background or will hire them only as a general music...

Sophonie’s Avatar
Sophonie Mar 18, 2018 671 views

Is the nursing career good?

I plan on getting my doctorates in nursing practice, and I was wondering whether this is a good decision. I have heard horror stories about being a nurse, but I have also heard that is isn't really that bad.

#nursing #college-major

Sophonie’s Avatar
Sophonie Mar 18, 2018 687 views

Will colleges ever do away with standardized testing?

Many people, including myself, stress over SATs and ACTs. I believe that these tests never truly show an individual's true potential. SAT and ACT scores can also be the make-it-or-break-it determination of someone getting into their dream college, which is completely unfair. Will the SAT and...

Patrick’s Avatar
Patrick Jan 23, 2018 873 views

Will computer science and learning java be essential in the next 5 years?

I am taking computer science now at my high school, and I have been told that it is a very necessary skill. How important is this skill? #technology #coding #computerscience

Patrick’s Avatar
Patrick Jan 23, 2018 820 views

Which will be more important in the next 10 years: business or engineering?

I aspire to study both business and engineering when I go to college, but I am at a crossroads as to which to focus more heavily on. Should I find a five year program where I receive a Bachelors of Science and my MBA? #business #engineering #buildingandselling

Karim’s Avatar
Karim Jan 23, 2018 823 views

As a graduate out of college, would it be best to do an internship at the company of your dreams or accept an entry level position that pays your requested salary?

#dreams, #internship

Karim’s Avatar
Karim Jan 23, 2018 909 views

What is the first step in starting an online business?

I am interested in starting an online business.
#sneakers #onlinekicks #freshkicks #entrepreneurship #small-business #online-marketing

Eva’s Avatar
Eva Jan 21, 2018 983 views

How exactly can you better your own study habits?

Studying habits have never been my thing if I'm being honest. Even though it hasn't been my thing, I still want to be able to better them especially when I head off to college. Tips for studying would be very helpful. #studying-tips #study-skills #study-habits

Eva’s Avatar
Eva Jan 21, 2018 638 views

What are the best websites and resources to go to when searching for scholarships? How exactly would you know that they are real and not fake?

Money isn't something that can just pop out of anywhere. When it comes to college, I want to be able to go without worrying about the debt AFTER. Scholarships are something highly important and I would love to know the right resources. #scholarships #debt?

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jan 20, 2018 841 views

What is the best way to stand out on applications?

My dream school is Harvard Medical School. The school is extremely competitive of course and I would like to know what to do in the next four years of my undergrad in order to stand out in the application process. -school #medicine #hospital-and-healthcare #healthcare #college...

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jan 20, 2018 1263 views

How do I know which career path is right for me?

I am interested in medicine and going to medical school but I have a deep rooted interest in forensics and criminal justice. How do I know what choice to make? #medicine #forensics #forensic-science

Kayla’s Avatar
Kayla Jan 17, 2018 1501 views

What are some good ways to study Computer Science?

#women-in-tech #technology #computer-science #computer-engineering

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