Career questions tagged undergraduate

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BarbieMar 05559 views

What underated careers should I look into to boost my cv?

Im a criminal justice major in undergraduate. I want to become a criminal psychologist. I need to boost my cv to prove that I can complete a clinical phd or psyd program. Im currently trying to gain certifications. I'm not sure how building research works, or what lab you can work in for psychology? But focusing on careers, what are some jobs I can turn over to that will look positive? I have an interview to be a Residental Support Staff working with adults with disabilities I believe.

answer icon4 answers
Active Mar 08
location iconUnited States
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LauraMar 041611 views

Where and How I should start?

I have a high school diploma from Colombia and I would like to know my options for study a degree in USA ( currently J1 visa)

answer icon3 answers
Active Mar 06
location iconLos Altos
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CharlieFeb 213559 views

What are some good internships or experiences to try and apply for/ gain as an International Development studies major?

I am slightly worried about what internships or other experiences I should try to apply for as a second year International Development studies major at UCLA. I am very interested in international relations and, until recently, really wanted to work for the state department. I also love research but am unsure how to go about trying to get these opportunities. Many of the applications I had been looking at are on an indefinite pause due to what is happening right now in the government and I am not sure how to look for more. If there is anything specific someone could recommend or a website I should focus on I would appreciate it!

answer icon4 answers
Active Feb 24
location iconLos Angeles
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zorayaJan 28760 views

Do Canadian Universities take into consideration the SAT?

If I take my SAT do Canadian universities use it as a big factor of admission or do they not care as much? What are other big factors that Canadian universities take into consideration for admission?

answer icon4 answers
Active Feb 01
location iconMexico City
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JalilahJan 15867 views

I am a Grad Student looking to find Internships within the Healthcare Technology Field. Would anyone have any recommendations on companies/organizations that would be great to apply for Summer 2025 or Fall 2025?

Graduate Student

answer icon3 answers
Active Feb 01
location iconUnited States
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SanyaJan 141031 views

I got into the StandOut Connect program this year and I applied because I heard it was a very competitive thing. However, they are asking for $2000 for the 4 month program. They would give me internships with alumni from top colleges after graduation but i don’t know if it’s worth it?

Spring Programs

answer icon4 answers
Active Feb 04
location iconGibsonia
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TanviJan 011702 views

Is it too late to do cs research as a junior in high school?

I am a junior in high school and only recently found out that research with a professor was an extracurricular activity. Since it is already halfway into the year and I am a junior, could I also reach out to a professor and do this or is it too late? I found some paid programs during the summer that do research but take up the entire summer and I would have no time to do other programs. Is there any way to reach out to a professor and ask to do research with them from now or feb/march to until school ends? If there is, how many professors should I be emailing and how should I ask them to do it from now or feb/march to until school ends? Also, are there any requirements/skills that these professors look for in regards to cs research? Thanks a bunch!

answer icon5 answers
Active Jan 05
location iconTexas
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MadisynDec 30, 2024938 views

Are there student exchange or study abroad programs for after high school or a college student?

I was wondering if there are any of these types of programs available to do after I finish high school or when I start college. Do I need to be a student in order to become an exchange or study abroad student? Do I have to be in college at a university or does a community college work as well? What other options are available for someone looking to travel and see the world but go to school at the same time? What are the costs, pros/cons, and how can I do it?

answer icon8 answers
Active Jan 02
location iconClearfield
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EdwardOct 19, 20241023 views

How do I discover career opportunities as an undergraduate?


answer icon14 answers
Active Jan 19
location iconNew York
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MayaAug 26, 2024668 views

Do I have a chance in college?

I been asking a lot about college applications and I'm still not sure if I want to reveal my real life story or choose something safe - yet unique to stand out. My unweighted GPA is a 3.3 while my weighted is a 3.7. I haven't done any extracurricular until my junior and senior year due to unfortunate events that happened in my past. But now that I am a senior, I been trying to force myself to grow. I'm currently a student ambassador at one of my schools, and I plan to join Deca.. and I gotten an internship for the same school I'm an ambassador for. Compared to other kids my age - my life feels so.. bleh. I just now started a Youtube channel to add as something I've done. But I'm worried I won't stand out at all. I need someone to be blunt with me, do I stand a chance in college?

answer icon7 answers
Active Aug 30, 2024
location iconMacon
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TaraAug 21, 2024827 views

How to get a finance internship as a basic undergrad student?

I am an international student doing my bachelors in finance. I learn a lot of new concepts at uni but I am really unsure of how to use them in real life. I want to get my hands dirty with numbers and actually put the concepts to use but getting an internship seems to be really hard. I am fine with doing projects relating to my field of study. Please do share your ideas on how to break into the corporate world as a fresh undergrad and gain as much experience as possible.

answer icon7 answers
Active Sep 11, 2024
location iconMelbourne VIC
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AngelinaAug 06, 2024859 views

How do I choose a college to transfer to after community college?

I am currently a biology major and I plan to work in the research and sustainably field. There's so many options its overwhelming.

answer icon6 answers
Active Sep 07, 2024
location iconAurora
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MayaAug 03, 20243102 views

How do you become a community college professor?

I've heard that becoming a community college professor is a different process than being a professor at a university, especially a research university. What are things I should do now as an undergrad student to prepare?

answer icon6 answers
Active Sep 24, 2024
location iconSan Diego
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DennisJul 27, 2024901 views

Could you make comments and suggestions on my college essay please ?

Hello! I am a high school student from Macau. I will be studying aboard in the US in the fall of 2025 as an international student, and it is quite a challenge for a non-native writer and speaker to write a US college essay. Could you make some comments and suggestions on my college essay please? I know the word limit for the Common App essay is 650, and my essay exceed that, and I will shorten that later, but please let me know what do you think about this essay in general. Thank you very much🙏!! =================Start-of-the-essay================= In March 2023, I watched the re-screening of “Everything Everywhere All at Once” and fell in love with its multiverse setting. One scene, in particular, deeply resonates with me. The scene portrays how a single decision can drastically change the course of one’s life. In this scene, the main character, Evelyn, finds that if she hadn't eloped with Waymond, her future husband, she would have become a famous martial arts actress. Instead, in reality, she ends up running a struggling laundromat. One of my pivotal decisions happened five years ago. It was the summer of 2019, just after I graduated from primary school. It was about a passion that had been with me since childhood. Since I was a kid, I knew I really enjoyed building and inventing things. I spent most of my childhood playing with the tools and parts in my father's construction workshop. Once, because I didn't want to water the plants on the balcony individually, I built an automatic sprayer for plants by cutting a PVC pipe and drilling holes at intervals to water six plants all at once. During primary school, I joined the school’s handmade workshop to continue pursuing my love of creating and inventing. However, I realized I wanted more than just following the instructions of a robot kit manual; I want to create, not just assemble. Therefore, during the summer after I graduated from primary school, I started experimenting and engaging with Arduino, a microcontroller. My first Arduino project was an LCD timer with a buzzer and a force sensor on the seat that reminds me to stand up if I’ve been sitting too long. While working on this project, I experienced a deep and fulfilling enthusiasm that was entirely new to me, and I knew I had truly fallen in love with this feeling. Afterward, I decided to take it a step further. I planned to add a Bluetooth feature and create a mobile app to remind me to stand up through notifications. After some research, I designed the UI for my mobile app using MIT App Inventor. However, I faced a bottleneck while struggling to establish Bluetooth communication between the Arduino UNO and my mobile app. (I had no idea why the Arduino received a number when the mobile app sent a character). Despite my best efforts—spending days debugging, googling, and trying to solve the issue—I couldn't figure it out. My 12-year-old self realized that he could either continue debugging on his own, devoting more time and effort to solving the problem, or seize the opportunity to reach out to the high school teachers and upperclassmen, ask for help, and hopefully make connections with them. I had a lot of concerns. I feared being rejected or not taken seriously. It was such a struggle to take that first step in an unfamiliar environment. After much internal struggle, I gathered my courage and took my Arduino kit (which I bought from Taobao) with me, as the evening settled in, I found myself standing at the entrance of the high school workshop, in front of a sturdy metal door with a small side window. I took a glance through the small side window and saw some senior students working on their projects, some chatting in groups. Doubt filled my mind, I paced back and forth with trembling hands and felt even more like an outsider (though I was, literally). Then, at that moment, I knew that this was a chance I couldn't afford to miss. I gripped my Arduino kit even tighter, and pushed the door open. That evening marks the start of a six-year journey that ignites my passion for electromechanical engineering, physics, math, and science overall. It was then that I met two mentors for engineering: Mr. Lei and Mr. Wong. Mr. Lei guided me through countless engineering challenges. He taught me the fundamentals of programming (namely Processing, Python and C++), mechanical design (Fusion 360 CAD design), and Arduino development. Through the projects he guided me on, he showed me that true innovation requires research, planning, execution, analysis, and, more importantly, the ability to embrace failure. The courage I had to enter that door on that day changed the course of my life, and I recognized it as a power—the power of “jumping out of my comfort zone.” Since then, I have kept the courage from that day as a memento, and it has quietly guided me through the decisive moments in life, whether it was building a website portfolio from scratch, asking for an interview at a PC repair company even though I didn’t know how to fix a computer, deciding to study abroad or delivering a presentation in an essay competition. I remind myself of the power of stepping out of my comfort zone every time I need to make a challenging decision in life, trusting that my future self will appreciate the decision, even if it doesn’t turn out perfectly. Just like the story of Evelyn; in the end, even though she knows that eloping with Waymond means doing laundry and taxes every day, she still finds beauty in that life. =================End-of-the-essay=================

answer icon2 answers
Active Jul 28, 2024
location iconMacau
undefined's avatar
mJul 22, 2024980 views

What do I do if I can't pick a college major?

I have many subjects/fields I am interested in and I can't narrow it down. What if I did an interdisciplinary/design-your-own major? Will that look okay to employers?

answer icon8 answers
Active Jul 23, 2024
location iconWichita
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HannahJul 18, 2024862 views

Best college program as a double-major undergrad transfer student?

I’m currently a third-year undergrad student, double majoring in Criminology & Film. I currently have 90 out of 120 credits to graduate at my current university but I have to withdraw and find a new school for personal reasons. I'm currently double-majoring in both Criminology and Film. My criminology degree falls under my university's “Justice & Law” degree, criminology being one of the concentrations (“International Terrorism” & “Legal Studies” being the other two). My film major falls under their School of Communication, as a degree in “Film & Media studies”. I was wondering if someone out there could help me find a school with classes most similar to what I’ve been studying already. I'm looking for a school that offers a Bachelor's in both Criminology & Film or something similar. I feel very overhwled! The best case scenario would be to find a school that will let me retake the least amount of courses/credits in order to graduate, since most transfer students are required to take extra courses that extend their graduation date. Any help is appreciated!

answer icon2 answers
Active Jul 19, 2024
location iconSt. Petersburg
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StanleyJul 04, 2024370 views

Older student career questions

Hi, I'm a 37-year-old undergraduate graduating next spring, and I'm uncertain about my career trajectory. I got into EE for power systems but developed an interest in analog IC design after taking one class last year. I've had two internships in power systems so far, one of which just offered me an excellent job offer with excellent pay for my medium-COL city. I'm very excited, the company is great, my coworkers are friendly, and the work-life balance is pretty good with 2 days WFH but occasional >40hr weeks. The only problem is that it's a little boring, with lots and lots of copy and paste from Excel. So I'm torn - I wanted to get an MS and go into analog ICs, but I feel like I'd be an idiot to renege on this offer. I mention my age because I need to get my life on track ASAP - I've been a waiter my entire life, and I have zero retirement or assets. I want to start saving for retirement and buy a house, so I don't know if spending another 2 years in school even makes sense at this point. So if you were in my shoes, what would you be thinking? I'm leaning towards the tough but realistic decision of giving up the dream of analog and just getting into power for the immediate good job and start catching up to my peers on retirement and home ownership. I don't even know if analog is right for me anyway, since I've only taken one class so far (I'm taking 3-4 more this year). The question is pressing because a friend just reached out to me to try to recruit me as an intern into his company that does analog IC design for defense, and I only have a few days before that window closes.

answer icon1 answers
Active Jul 05, 2024
location iconBerkeley
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EsterJun 23, 2024326 views

How can I schedule my classes to make this work?

I am Class of 2028 and I want to join AFROTC while also balancing pre-med, is there anyone with a similar experience?

answer icon1 answers
Active Jun 23, 2024
location iconCarson
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JulieJun 23, 20241433 views

What should we look for in a college as a History major?

Hi, I’m trying to help my son figure out his path to and through college. He is a history buff and his goal is to get a PhD Or doctorate in history. During our research we found a lot of Grad programs and I’m wondering if there are any specific programs or courses we should look into for undergrad to start the way. Any feedback would be appreciate! Thank you!!

answer icon5 answers
Active Jul 12, 2024
location iconPhiladelphia
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KateJun 20, 2024617 views

How do I pursue internships while attending college?

I am planning on being a STEM major in college and want to ensure that I get real-life experience in my field while still attending college. How do I achieve this?

answer icon5 answers
Active Aug 27, 2024
location iconRoxbury Township
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AshwaryaJun 19, 2024390 views

What are some of the academic resources available to international students, in order to succeed at college? How can pursuing A.I. as a minor at undergraduate or graduate level benefit upcoming generations?

What are some of the academic resources available to international students, in order to succeed at college? How can pursuing A.I. as a minor at undergraduate or graduate level benefit upcoming generations?

answer icon2 answers
Active Aug 23, 2024
location iconBoston
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JazzyMay 22, 2024670 views

What are some key tips to achieving a 4.0 GPA in engineering undergrad ?

Going into engineering this fall, and wanted to know what are some tips for doing well in the program? I have about seven classes first semester so I am a bit worried. #Spring24

answer icon4 answers
Active Jun 07, 2024
location iconCanada
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NoraMay 08, 20241726 views

Should I apply for internships without having experience?

I'm a freshman in college and am very eager to start doing internships and co-ops to find out what branch of computer science I want to pursue. The only problem is that I don't have experience yet but have some basic understanding on how different programs such as java, SQL and python run, which makes me feel discouraged.

answer icon11 answers
Active Jun 28, 2024
location iconOregon
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DaphneApr 28, 2024833 views

Are M.D./Ph.D. (neuroscience specifically) programs worth it ?

I'm currently a high school senior. I already committed to a college and I'll be majoring in neurobiology but I wanted to get some advice from others to see if an M.D./Ph.D. program after undergrad is the way to go (or if just getting an M.D. is better) so that I can start preparing for it. I know I want to become a neurosurgeon and that I definitely do want to do research before residency.

answer icon4 answers
Active Jun 01, 2024
location iconAmerican Canyon
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Karah-MercyApr 24, 2024265 views

How can I make sure that the field I am majoring in in college is something I can stay committed to? How can I be sure I won't lose my passion??

I will be majoring in dance this fall. I love performing and especially love this incredibly expressive and disciplinary art. How can I be sure this is a decision I will not regret?

answer icon2 answers
Active Apr 26, 2024
location iconNew York
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NicholasApr 18, 20241170 views

Does having medical work experience help with admissions into medical school If so are there ones more preferable than others like doing phlebotomy or emt??

I want to do something that will be productive over the summer as a pre-med student but I am kind of lost since I wasn't able to secure research during the school year so I want to at least try working in the medical field as an intern, volunteer, or get certified.

answer icon6 answers
Active May 07, 2024
location iconNew York
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TadisaApr 09, 2024701 views

How do I become a competitive CS applicant in a short period of time??

I'm currently in my final year of A level and my final exams are this October, I have to start applying to Uni this may but I don't have many supercurriculars despite having so many extracurriculars.

answer icon4 answers
Active Apr 24, 2024
location iconOndangwa
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RudraMar 30, 20241006 views

What courses to be select for 1st year undergraduate as computer science?

What care should be taken as undergraduate 1st year student as computer science for selecting courses in Canada universities, is there any special tips looking at future prospects. Have completed Indian CBSE 12th grade and looking for starting undergraduate this year.

answer icon1 answers
Active Apr 16, 2024
location iconMuscat
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DeborahJan 20, 20241045 views

I'm a Nigerian who wants to apply to a Canadian University to obtain an undergraduate degree and one of the requirements is my high school transcript but I have no idea what should be included in the transcript. Does anyone have an idea what my school should include in the transcript and how it should look like because the educational system in my school is very different from the ones in Canada. Also, should the academic records be from 10th grade or 7th grade?

High school graduate.

answer icon3 answers
Active Jan 21, 2024
location iconWarri
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TasnovaDec 23, 2023970 views

Which universities will be best for me, if I want to apply for Fall intake 2024 And can I apply for 2 programs at a time?

I am an Asian high school graduate. I wish to study in a Canadian or US University. I want to be a surgeon. So I want to major in Biology and minor in Computer Science

answer icon2 answers
Active Jan 07, 2024
location iconDhaka