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Hazel Crest, Illinois

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Tyjha’s Avatar
Tyjha Mar 21, 2018 928 views

If my strengths are being a team player and a hard hard worker how would that affect my career as being a RN?

#registered-nurses #nursing #career #career-choice

jennifer’s Avatar
jennifer Mar 21, 2018 1360 views

If my strength are reading all kinds of books and painting what types of careers or industries might fit me?

Ever since I was little I loved to read any kinds of books but really I only could get in to was fantasy and books that have action and adventure in them. As I got older i started to love painting but i have no idea what careers would best fit me? #career #career-choice #reading #painting #art

yadira’s Avatar
yadira Mar 21, 2018 995 views

If my strengths are being patient and also being a good listener what type of career would be best for me in the medical field?

My best strengths are listing and being patient, I would like to know what career in the medical field would these strengths be better for or which career they would be more useful for? #strengthsandweaknesses #medical-practice #medical-careers #medical-education #medical-field

Rashana’s Avatar
Rashana Mar 21, 2018 901 views

Why did you choose to become an RN? Do you have any other career choices ?

What made you choose this career? Was it personal reasons, experiences ?
#registered-nurses #nursing #nurse #pediatric-nursing #nurse-practitioner #career

Kaya’s Avatar
Kaya Mar 21, 2018 652 views

If my strengths are productive and high self esteem and my hobbies are talking, giving good advice and, taking care of one another, what types of careers or industries might best fit me

Because I know what I want to do be when I grow up, but is it really the best choice? Is this career path really for me? #careerchoices #pediatrics #pediatrician

Bianca’s Avatar
Bianca Mar 21, 2018 608 views

If my strengths are being patient and working well with others ; and my hobby is babysitting , what type of nursing career is best fit for me.

I am asking this because I know what kind of nurse I want to be but I still want to keep my options open just incase I need to work my way up to be the kind of nurse that I want to be one day . #nursing

Val’s Avatar
Val Mar 21, 2018 853 views

Is having a strong work ethic and be very skilled at time management: would that guarantee me a successful career in cosmetology?

#cosmetology #future #skills #strengths #hair-stylist #hairdressers #makeup-artist #makeup #career

Amaris’s Avatar
Amaris Mar 20, 2018 757 views

What is one difficulty you have while choosing a major ?

Hi guys, So this question is probably the question that many people ask, but one difficulty I have is choosing a major that fits me best. What I want to do most with my life is help people around me in any way that I could, so I am debating on a Psychology major or a registered nurse both...

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