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Nikolet’s Avatar
Nikolet Nov 30, 2020 692 views

what do you like to do for fun?

I like to cook and clean #forfun

Ziair’s Avatar
Ziair Nov 09, 2020 621 views

How can our careers help with our goals?

What can our careers do to better help our goals, like if we want to learn more about others things and get better education? #help #helping-others

Christie’s Avatar
Christie Nov 09, 2020 692 views

I really have no clue what I should do for my career. Any suggestions?

I love to read and I love to write. I would love to be a writer but I think my best shot at getting close to that would to become an editor. I am a division 1 college gymnast and I want to try to become a stunt performer for film but these career choices are not very reliable at all....

Marco’s Avatar
Marco Oct 16, 2020 668 views

To be a Union Welder what are some challenges that will occurred

I intend to be a Union Welder in the future #welder #Career

Carmilia’s Avatar
Carmilia Jul 31, 2020 795 views

Can you choose what field in nursing you want to work in?

Let's say I want to work in Labor & Delivery as soon as I pass the NCLEX and would start looking at nursing job openings. Can I choose Labor & Delivery or would I be assigned? #JULY20

Shelana’s Avatar
Shelana Jul 31, 2020 586 views

MCAT prep review

I did the MCAT using the prep courses but it was really difficult to keep up with the schedule and all other duties and usually found that I didn't get to finish all the course work and still have adequate time for full length exams. I usually get a higher score during my prep than I do on...

Shelana’s Avatar
Shelana Jul 28, 2020 856 views

Should I apply for med school this cycle?

I redid the MCAT during this COVID pandemic setting and I got the same score that I did before. Should I still apply during this cycle or is it better to apply at a later cycle and redo the MCAT? #JULY20 #med-school #MCAT

Allison’s Avatar
Allison May 13, 2020 933 views

How can this internship help me gain valuable experience for working with a non-profit?

I am a college Sophmore at Trinity College, Ct, majoring in Psychology, but also looking for experience with Global Health campaigns. #college #psychology #internship

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