im thinking of becoming a welder and possibly thinking of becoming a union welder but I'm unsure about it is it better to be a contract welder or are those 2 the same thing?
What is your biggest success story in welding How long did it take to get where you are now? What is your biggest failure and how did you learn from it? ?
I am a student and I need to complete an assignment for my selected trade
what would be the most challenging obstacle you faced trying to become a welder and what you have to do in order to become a welder, and how difficult it really is.
I would like to know how you started off in this line of work, What did you have to go through you to get where you currently are, Was it hard for you to keep advancing.
Hello my name is Marlon and I am wondering what skills are needed to be a welder?
I am a middle school student and I’ve been wondering for a while now what skills I need to have to be a welder?
If any current working or retired welder answer this question what type of skills are needed to become a welder?
Another question I have is what are the best and worst parts of being a welder?
How hard is it to learn not to come up to fast to the surface when scuba diving?
I want to be an Underwater Welder, how hard was it to learn not to come up to fast to the surface when you’re welding underwater? It’s something i want to learn now before I become an underwater welder
Can I get any tips about welding and how to become one?
I am a middle schooler and wanting to get into welding but I don’t know where to do to learn about welding. And can I get some tips about welding I would like to learn about techniques and what equipment I would need.
What kind of tools does each type of welder use depending on the environment?
Just want to know what kind of tools welders use, does it determine what job they do? Does it determine the environment they are working in? I am just trying to know.