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Mohammad’s Avatar
Mohammad Mar 16, 2017 1693 views

Is work experience more valuable than educational background?

I am a graduate Electrical Engineering student with little to no experience in the engineering field outside of the classroom. Lately, I have been applying to jobs and receiving little to no interest from engineering companies due to lack of experience even for some entry-level jobs. That made...

Mohammad’s Avatar
Mohammad Mar 08, 2017 1645 views

How important is including voluntary activities in one's resume?

I am an Electrical Engineering graduate student. I wonder if, in such a technical field as mine, adding voluntary activities such as working for X charity and the like can have any impact on the recruiter's decision to hire me. #mechanical-engineering #human-resources #civil-engineering...

Mohammad’s Avatar
Mohammad Mar 07, 2017 3093 views

How do you handle behavioral interview questions when not prepared?

Say you are in a job interview and you get asked a behavioral interview question such as "cite a situation when you had to adapt to changes beyond your control" or the like and you had no particular story present even though you might have had that exact situation happen to you. How would you...

Mohammad’s Avatar
Mohammad Mar 07, 2017 1391 views

What are some good tips for finding a job without experience?

I am a graduate student in Electrical Engineering and I will be graduating very soon. It has been hard for me to find a job by searching and applying for jobs online. I find that my application gets turned down often because I lack engineering work experience. Your tips on this matter will be...

Mohammad’s Avatar
Mohammad Mar 06, 2017 9164 views

How crucial is the choice of the thesis vs. non-thesis option in the Master's degree?

I am a graduate student in Electrical Engineering who opted for the non-thesis option in order to avoid the uncertainty of the time of graduation that is associated with the thesis option. However, I am also planning to pursue a PhD in the future and I have heard how not choosing the thesis...

Mohammad’s Avatar
Mohammad Mar 06, 2017 993 views

What is the best approach to take towards a poorly taught course?

I am a graduate Electrical Engineering student and throughout my career as a student I found that there were a few classes that provided less than satisfactory learning experience and I've always felt unsure about how to approach such classes. I feel that I tend to be uncertain about who to...

deandre’s Avatar
deandre Jan 11, 2017 989 views

How exactly do I start a business

I am thinking about starting a music business. I want to make a career for myself singing hopefully. But I don't know how to go about doing that. #music #experience #in

Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Dec 06, 2016 1557 views

How much does college GPA matter when applying for a job?

As an honors college student with a 4.0 GPA, I want to know how much my resume would drop in value if my GPA went down to say a 3.5 or lower. I want to push myself to the hardest I can, but not be too disappointed if I get a B somewhere down the road. #college #professional #career-path...

Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Dec 06, 2016 1112 views

Is it more beneficial to take more credits per semester in a shorter amount of time or less credits per semester in a longer amount of time?

As a student trying to save money on college fees while still maintaining a great GPA for my resume, I want to know whether or not I should be taking 14 or 18 credit hours per semester. I am in the Public Health Sciences Field. I want to make the most of my college experience. #college #health...

Lydia’s Avatar
Lydia Nov 29, 2016 1972 views

Would you say becoming a lawyer is "worth it"?

I am interested in becoming a lawyer but know that with that comes lots more schooling (I am a current freshman in college), LSAT, and can cause much debt. Would you say that your work as a lawyer has paid off? Do you feel that all of the extra schooling was worth it? How much time did you...

Nicole’s Avatar
Nicole Nov 01, 2016 2367 views

How do I get internships for my major if I do not have much experience in the field?

Hi, I am Nicole and I am a student in college. I am a Marketing major and am required to finish 2 internships before I graduate. The only thing is, I haven't had any experience in marketing before so landing my first internship may be difficult. Any advice? #marketing #internships...

Abigail’s Avatar
Abigail Oct 30, 2016 1339 views

What industries are chemical engineers the most successful in?

I plan to major in chemical engineering when I go to college next year, and I've often wondered about which chemical industry to pursue. Chemistry is a very broad topic applicable to many aspects of our lives, and I would like to know which industry is on the rise. Do you suggest food, fuel,...

Abigail’s Avatar
Abigail Oct 30, 2016 860 views

Is it worth the extra year to find a Co-op?

Every college I have visited has talked about the amazing Co-op program they offer for engineering students. Co-op programs seem to have greater success for the student as opposed to internships that only last the summer. If I decide to do a Co-op, will that affect my cost to attend that...

ashia’s Avatar
ashia Oct 28, 2016 820 views

What are the quilafacations in becoming a neonatal nurse?

help with my requirements? #nursing

ashia’s Avatar
ashia Oct 28, 2016 991 views

Is there any problems with being a neonatal nurse?

I want to become a neonatal nurse. #registered-nurses #nurse-practitioner #school-nursing

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