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RajbinderMar 241780 views

I m housewife I did MBA in 2013 after that I got married and now I’m having two children I don’t have work experience but I want to start my career could you please guide me where I can start ?

I want career guidance, from where I can start my career .i did MBA in 2013 then I got married and now having a kids because of responsibilities. I was not able to do work

answer icon3 answers
Active Mar 25
location iconKurali
undefined's avatar
MohamedMar 241168 views

I am a second grade medical school. I got high marks at the first grade. When the 2nd year started i just felt i am not in this field. But I am good at math, analyzing, numbers, some kind of business analysis. So I’m thinking about applying for the business administration school instead of the medical field. I am just very confused about the business field because some people say it has no future, so what you advise me ?

Thanks for your help !

answer icon5 answers
Active Mar 25
location iconArizona
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MahazabinMar 123954 views

Which sub will be best for future job sector Textile or English ?

Hello, I'm from Bangladesh. I'm getting ready to join my University. So,i want to know which sub will help me to getting a good job after my graduation. I'm from a middle class family so i have to make the decision wisely, i have to support my family after my graduation so plz help me which subject should i choice? Which will give me a Better job opportunity in my country?

answer icon4 answers
Active Mar 25
location iconRajshahi
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keynnerMar 021165 views

I have a question for a pilot, please I would like to know where can I study for be an air pilot. please and thanks you

I am a student 6th grade and my name is keynner.

answer icon3 answers
Active Mar 04
location iconSaint-Georges
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AdvaithFeb 191381 views

What college is the best for Astrophysics inside and outside India and what exams are needed to crack it?

I am Advaith, a student of class 9, I am aspiring for astrophysics, and I need the to know the best college inside and outside India to study astrophysics UG and PG and the exams needed to crack it

answer icon3 answers
Active Mar 03
location iconChennai
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Treasure MarieeFeb 19835 views

Hi Everyone, Im a seventh grader taking pre-college teaching classes, but I don't know where to please??

Im a seventh grader, from meridian ms..I know I want to be a teacher and I'm taking classes(yay me!) but, I don't know how to continue my studies if I don't know extra information.

answer icon3 answers
Active Feb 23
location iconMeridian
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PritheeFeb 16537 views

Hi! My name is prithee. I am a student of class 11, studing in science group in Bangladesh. My favourite subject is English and biology. I can play Musical instrument like harmonium as well as guitar. I have a good grades in my academic life. I have got 95% in 5 and 70% in 10th. Now i am studing in a government College in barishal in Bangladesh. I am highly interested to Study in abroad before attending intermediate exam (hsc). What should i do now to achieve my goal to Study in abroad specially American, Switzerland, UAE, canada, japan, Mexico, Russia, Italy. Kindly give me a Proper guideline on how can get a scholership to study in famous institutions in these countries.?

Hi! My name is prithee. I am a student of class 11, studing in science group in Bangladesh. My favourite subject is English and biology. I can play Musical instrument like harmonium as well as guitar. I have a good grades in my academic life. I have got 95% in 5 and 70% in 10th. Now i am studing in a government College in barishal in Bangladesh. I am highly interested to Study in abroad before attending intermediate exam (hsc). What should i do now to achieve my goal to Study in abroad specially American, Switzerland, UAE, canada, japan, Mexico, Russia, Italy. Kindly give me a Proper guideline on how can get a scholership to study in famous institutions in these countries.

answer icon3 answers
Active Feb 17
location iconBarisal
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JaneFeb 10876 views

Please, share challenges and responsibilities you face as a financial analyst.?

That should be something hard or tiring and not skills of this profession. Thank you :)

answer icon2 answers
Active Feb 19
location iconCardiff
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ChadFeb 08331 views

How do humanitarian programs support animal welfare in disaster-stricken areas or regions affected by conflict ?

do they take care of the animals first or our own species? I mean i have heard some places are just helping animals and forgetting their own beings. Is it true?

answer icon1 answers
Active Feb 08
location iconUnited States
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ChadFeb 08581 views

What do I need to know if I want to become a veterinarian, and how should I start preparing for this career ?

please give a depth clarity i want to know veteranian in depth what it is, how it is handled and what i need to know and build.

answer icon2 answers
Active Feb 10
location iconUnited States
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alexanderFeb 06223 views

Why is diversity in the workforce a bad thing?

Why is diversity in the workforce a bad thing?

answer icon5 answers
Active Feb 20
location iconJacksonville
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OsaremenFeb 05919 views

I want to study intelligence and security studies at Ekiti state university is it possible with English, government, economics and commerce as my jamb combination ?

I also want to know other courses that is related to it and the school that offer it with my jamb combination

answer icon2 answers
Active Feb 18
location iconOta
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RobertJan 28375 views

How do people start there racing careers by eather dirt racing or go karts?

how do people start there racing careers by eather go karting, or dirt racing? now im a freshmen in highschool but I look up to some auto racing drivers like max verstappen of Red Bull or Christipher Bell of JGR and they both started off by eather go karts or dirt racing but I'm just curious on how they started there careers.

answer icon2 answers
Active Feb 04
location iconUnited States
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MuqaddasJan 081104 views

What is the scope of philosphy in Pakistan?

If i choose philosphy what jobs it will offer in future in Pakistan?

answer icon4 answers
Active Jan 11
location iconLahore City
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MuqaddasJan 061606 views

How can i get career counseling in Pakistan ?I have done FSc pre medical on parents demand.

I have selected some subjects like Political Science,IR and English literature for css.Are they professional enough and what other jobs these provides

answer icon4 answers
Active Jan 07
location iconLahore City
undefined's avatar
MuqaddasJan 061758 views

How can i get career counseling in Pakistan ?

I have selected some subjects like Political Science,IR and English literature for css.Are they professional enough and what other jobs these provides

answer icon4 answers
Active Jan 18
location iconLahore City
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AaronDec 15, 2024644 views

Please I want a scholarship, how do i go about it?

Scholarship or any other form of financial aid

answer icon5 answers
Active Dec 27, 2024
location iconNew York
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HolisDec 13, 2024615 views

why is evolving important?

why is evolving important?

answer icon7 answers
Active Feb 14
location iconOgden
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HarryDec 12, 2024519 views

why is comedy important?

why is comedy important?

answer icon4 answers
Active Dec 16, 2024
location iconHillsboro
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AndrewDec 10, 2024611 views

I’m a student who needs help in my career research project could you answer my questions?

Hi, I’m a student researching careers for a school project. I’m looking for someone from any field who would be willing to answer my questions about their profession. I’m interested in learning about your career and would appreciate it if you could do so. To fulfill the requirements of my project, I need to include the email of the person I interview as proof of contact. Would you be comfortable sharing your email for this purpose? Here are the questions I would like to ask: What are the most common injuries or challenges in this profession? Are people in this career generally satisfied with their work? What are the benefits of this career outside of standard ones like medical and dental? Are there unique perks? What are the unique aspects of working in this career? (e.g., extra vacation, flexible shifts, etc.) What are the built-in costs of this career? Financial (e.g., travel, uniforms, professional expenses) Time (e.g., work-life balance, risk of burnout) Emotional (e.g., stress, high-stakes situations) What is the average age people retire from this career? What was your education path, and how did you arrive at your current role? How much time and money did you invest in establishing your career? What have been the best and worst moments of your career so far? What keeps you passionate and motivated in your career? How has this profession changed since you started, and what changes do you foresee in the future? Thank you so much for considering my request. Your answers would be helpful to my project.

answer icon3 answers
Active Dec 15, 2024
location iconEl Monte
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ConoDec 09, 2024247 views

How to become first class in class ?

How to be focused in class

answer icon2 answers
Active Dec 22, 2024
location iconState Line
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lindaDec 09, 2024326 views

which career is good for people who are good in every subject?

like most subjects

answer icon4 answers
Active Dec 11, 2024
location iconBuffalo
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emilyDec 03, 2024731 views

why do lawyers do study religion ?

i really wonder

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Active Dec 04, 2024
location iconNew York
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JasmineDec 02, 20241139 views

What is the best route to take if I am 46 and want to go to school to become an MRI Technologist should I go to Radiography school first then cross train into MRI?

What is the best route to take if I am 46 and want to go to school to become an MRI Technologist should I go to Radiography school first then cross train into MRI?

answer icon4 answers
Active Dec 02, 2024
location iconPerth Amboy
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ethanDec 01, 2024537 views

which subject do pilots like?

i like planes

answer icon4 answers
Active Jan 19
location iconNew York
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JacobNov 27, 2024346 views

best free sources to learn new skills?

best free sources to learn new skills?

answer icon1 answers
Active Nov 28, 2024
location iconMurfreesboro
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BradleyNov 26, 20241606 views

why is a linked profile important in a work industry?

why is a linked profile important in a work industry?

answer icon9 answers
Active Jan 20
location iconYuma
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LeoNov 23, 20241065 views

What are the career opportunities available online ?

Like; blogging

answer icon7 answers
Active Dec 02, 2024
location iconColorado Springs
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DanielleNov 20, 2024523 views

What Are the Most Important Skills to Have Before Entering a Business Class in College? #Fall24

I am planning to take a business course in college, and want to have the most important skills down so that the class isn't harder than it has to be. What are the best skills to learn beforehand, and what should I expect from the course? - ex. workload, public speaking, collaboration, etc. #Fall24

answer icon7 answers
Active Nov 23, 2024
location iconAustin
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JaxsonNov 09, 2024756 views

best of sources to learn new skills and career ?

best of sources to learn new skills and career ?

answer icon6 answers
Active Nov 17, 2024
location iconUkiah