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Polk City, Florida

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Alicia’s Avatar
Alicia May 16, 2016 1089 views

How did you decide that you wanted to pursue a career in being a voice teacher? What type of education do you have that helped you when it came to teaching singing?

Hi! I am currently majoring in musical theatre and ever since I can remember, I have loved to sing. I would love to be able to be a voice teacher one day, and I have thought about pursuing it as a career along with social work. I was wondering how and why you decided to become a voice teacher,...

Alicia’s Avatar
Alicia May 16, 2016 1095 views

How has being a social worker impacted you? What has been the most rewarding experience that you have had as a social worker?

Hi! I am a freshman in college and majoring in musical theatre and social science. When I graduate, I want to go to graduate school to get a master's in social work. Because I am planning to pursue a career in social work, specifically adoption social work or child welfare, I was wondering how...

Kahla’s Avatar
Kahla May 15, 2016 1027 views

Is it ok to only go to college for four years and not pursue a master's degree?

I can't even afford the 4 years of schooling I am taking on and I can't imagine any school after that. #college #experience

Kahla’s Avatar
Kahla May 15, 2016 1336 views

Is it ok to go into college unsure of a major?

I'm going to school to major in Psychology, but now I feel unsure. #college #undecided

Taylah’s Avatar
Taylah May 14, 2016 708 views

What do you learn and do in a Political Science related career?

I want to know more about political science and what exactly you do.

Taylah’s Avatar
Taylah May 14, 2016 1193 views

What careers will provide alot of money in the future?

I am asking this question because I want to know what jobs will be important in the future and very big. #experienced

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel May 13, 2016 1898 views

Why do I take core subjects in high school, only to repeat them in college?

Would it be so difficult to just give high school students college level core classes? We would be that closer to an Associates degree when we graduated. #common #sense

Steph’s Avatar
Steph May 13, 2016 978 views

What does an internship in the clinical psychology field involve?

By involve, I mean what would my daily tasks be, what I could learn from the experience, etc. #psychology #clinical-psychology

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