Career questions tagged undecided

Finding the right school or picking a dream career is difficult. Scroll through the questions and answers and see if there is anyone out there who had the same question. If not, ask away. Read more Show less
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serenaMar 20373 views

Did you ever feel obligated to chose a STEM career over a creative one?

I am in the process of choosing my career and major for college, but I am unsure if a stem career is really worth it.

answer icon2 answers
Active Mar 21
location iconSan Francisco
undefined's avatar
ZaroonMar 051601 views

I think I want to go for telemedicne but now i dont know where to start and what to do?

I don't know what to do. So should I wait until I am done with high school but then what. I am kinda lost now. I thought I might figure it out after knowing what career I want to go for. But....can't do it alone.

answer icon3 answers
Active Mar 06
location iconLondon
undefined's avatar
ChrisMar 041674 views

How should I look up specific information about a college or university that I am curious about?

I was previously given some suggestions on possible colleges and universities that might fit with what I want to do for my career. I was wondering how I should look up information on those specific recommendations or look up information on colleges and universities outside the recommendations I got.

answer icon9 answers
Active Mar 20
location iconSan Francisco
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McKennaFeb 25784 views

How do I decide what career is best for me when I'm interested in so many things?

How do I decide what career is best for me when I'm interested in so many things? I know I want to help people, but I can't decide what I for sure want to do.

answer icon4 answers
Active Mar 04
location iconElk River
undefined's avatar
ThomasFeb 161078 views

Varied field options- I'm unsure which to pursue?

Hello, Getting into college a little late in the game (nearing 40,) and I'm torn on what to focus on. I've a strong interest in Library Sciences, but also History and Conservation (e.g. Art, artefacts, physical media.) Currently will be stepping into Library Sciences as I begin college via Liberal Arts, but might change my focus to History as an undergrad. Ultimately I'd love to work in a museum, or even handle University archives and libraries- how should I narrow my broad set of interests down to help fine-tune my education towards this goal?

Active Feb 21
location iconEast Greenville
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SiyaFeb 031313 views

Classes for 10th, 11th, and 12th grade for someone who wants to go into medicine?

I'm deciding my career path for the rest of high school and I want to go into medicine, preferably pediatrics, psych , or emergency med. What classes should I choose ?

answer icon11 answers
Active Mar 02
location iconArlington
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LenaJan 29887 views

How do I pick classes for high school based on what I want to do with my life later on?

In the future, I plan to go into architecture. The college that I'm most likely going to attend requires that you take either trigonometry or physics in high school to even be considered. Do I take one, or do I pick both just in case? Because I am two years ahead in math and science, my 11th and 12th grade years will be available. However, my school also offers early leave to seniors. Next year, I will be going into an Algebra II course. After that, AP pre-Cal. Then I have two free years regarding math. With Science, I will be going into Chemistry next year. The year after that, environmental science. I took Physical Science last year. I would like to point out that my school also offers AP classes for high school students. My school also offers Technical Math for College and Career and Civil Engineering and Arch (two separate classes).

answer icon10 answers
Active Mar 17
location iconNorth Little Rock
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FelixJan 251072 views

Do I really have to choose a career?

I don't find any careers appealing and I have no skills or interests.

answer icon6 answers
Active Jan 28
location iconEagle Mountain
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FelixJan 241593 views

Why choose a career?

I don't really know what career to choose as 1) I don't want a career and 2) nothing really interests me.

answer icon13 answers
Active Jan 31
location iconEagle Mountain
undefined's avatar
FelixJan 241007 views

Should I choose a career?

I don't really know what career to follow and I don't really want any career, I don't want any of the important jobs, I'm more of a follower than a leader.

answer icon5 answers
Active Jan 31
location iconEagle Mountain
undefined's avatar
SoliDec 31, 20241440 views

How do I decide on what career path to take in the future ?

I am 14 in highschool planning to take AP classes and graduate ealry on. I think that doing all this in preperation for my future career is useless when I dont even know what it is. I've been encourage to choose something in engineering or law but I am more interested in technology, science, and healthcare. I have been trying to decide over those 3 but am not so sure. I am searching for a career path ealry on because I want to know what I want to do when i graduate highschool and inter college.

answer icon7 answers
Active Feb 24
location iconTakoma Park
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LaRissaDec 16, 2024617 views

What jobs are the best when working in the airforce ?

Im a junior in high school wanting to enlist into the Air Force. I am on track to becoming a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant) but I don't know if Nursing is the right career for me.

answer icon4 answers
Active Jan 17
location iconHopewell
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AliviaDec 11, 2024328 views

How do you study for calculus courses?

Study habits

answer icon3 answers
Active Jan 25
location iconLebanon
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BlancaDec 07, 2024856 views

I’m 16yr old junior, homeschooled and eager to get out there!

Why choose only one career when you can have multiple? Why only have one interest when you can multiple interests? I love business, fashion and medical related things so where should I start exploring to find guidance in the things I find interesting.

answer icon8 answers
Active Dec 29, 2024
location iconHouston
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EricDec 03, 2024981 views

Is it okay to not know what you want to do as a career?

As a senior in high school, I've reached the point where I have to start applying to colleges. But I don't know what I want to do with my life. When I first came to the U.S, all my peers seem to be ready for college and already know what they want to do in life. It still scares me that my academics won't matter if I don't have a clear career path I want to pursue. I have interest in a lot of career paths right now but unlike my peers, I have not decided on one yet. I even planned on picking the one that pays the most but my mom told me to pick one that will make me happy. I'm scared to go to college with no decided major or career path in mind.

answer icon10 answers
Active Feb 04
location iconBronx
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ZainabNov 27, 20241103 views

How to know what is my career?

I need a proper answer for my career I just took a free personality career test and it says that I should be an engineer when I want to be a doctor and I want to ace My exams but I am not able to do that at all I feel like crying I hate myself and I don't think I'll have a career in future like I want to have like being a doctor

answer icon9 answers
Active Dec 12, 2024
location iconKarachi
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MiaNov 13, 2024992 views

How do I prepare for life after college, like what can I get myself into when it comes to a job?

I’m about to graduate college soon and I’m not sure what I’m doing and I need help when it comes to finding a job and getting things together. I major in business but I’m also interested in nursing, real estate or having an Airbnb business.

answer icon10 answers
Active Jan 07
location iconPasadena
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MichelleNov 06, 20241051 views

What are some jobs that will allow me to be creative?

I like to draw in my free time.

answer icon4 answers
Active Nov 08, 2024
location iconSan Francisco
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CloeNov 06, 2024822 views

When should I start applying for colledges?

I am in my sophomore and I don't know which college to go to and am unsure of where to go to apply for my schochlarships or college applications. I am also unsure of when my deadline should be.

answer icon2 answers
Active Nov 20, 2024
location iconUnited States
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GraceOct 28, 2024442 views

Choosing a college when you're undecided?

If you are still unsure of what you want to study in college, what factors should you consider when choosing a school to apply to? #Fall24

answer icon4 answers
Active Oct 29, 2024
location iconAustin
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SamOct 19, 20241112 views

What should I do to find what I am interested in for a career path? How do I go about this uncertainty and stuck-in-the-glue moment? Why should I do a particular field?

Currently a college student who is having a crisis on what to do with life and as a career. I am struggling with finding what I would like to do. I tried out finance and am not really liking it. The club I joined really showed me that I don't perform well on pressuring deadlines and stress. But isn't every job like this?

answer icon11 answers
Active Oct 24, 2024
location iconNew York
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MohamedOct 12, 2024230 views

How do i start organizing my life?

How do i start organizing my life

answer icon2 answers
Active Oct 23, 2024
location iconMorris
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AaronOct 09, 2024780 views

What career should I choose if I am undecided between 2?

I am a freshmen in high-school who is inclined into an engineering career but I don't know which to choose between aerospace or civil engineering?

answer icon7 answers
Active Oct 18, 2024
location iconLa Ceiba
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ChrisOct 07, 20241002 views

What should I consider when looking for a suitable College/University for me?

I am currently thinking about video editing/production (specifically ones where I can stay anonymous to the public like virtual YouTubers), music production (including Vocaloid music), computer programming (specifically video games or character rigging), and business management/development.

answer icon7 answers
Active Dec 05, 2024
location iconSan Francisco
undefined's avatar
OliverSep 25, 20241545 views

What Is a Personal Brand?

Personal brand is a thing that we must know in order to start a business

answer icon21 answers
Active Oct 11, 2024
location iconManhasset
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RobynSep 18, 2024584 views

I finish my degree next year and i still don’t know what to do !!

Hi i’m Robyn. Currently studying Law & Politics I finish my degree next year. I have zero experience. I have never worked, never done an internship, never participated in activities related to my field of study. I feel so hopeless when it comes to me choosing a career. I have applied for internships, still haven't heard from them. My Cv is very empty. I don't know maybe it is my degree that doesn't offer many opportunities. I have tried finding internships that were also related to education, not only to my degree but I still couldn't find anything! As a little girl it has always been my dream to travel the world and i’m not really sure my degree is in touch with that ? What should I do? Where do I even start?

answer icon6 answers
Active Sep 26, 2024
location iconCape Town
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CamariSep 13, 2024990 views

I'm a sophomore in high-school and now that i'm getting closer to college I'm realizing my choice of career path seemed to broad and i'd like to have a career as child-advocate lawyer things such as helping troubled children or children/teens in dangerous situations or mental well being Harvard had always been the number one university for me because it's the best law school In the U.S I knew I didn't want to pursue a career in criminal law so now that I'm really looking into it I'm not even sure if Harvard is the right way to go anymore do I pursue a career in psychology? or a specific major relating to it and I'm struggling to find which college would be the best choice for me concerning the career path I'm passionate about as I'm not entirely sure anymore. I've always wanted to go to an ivy league because I thought it would be the best option. Harvard has always been a top choice but Yale has found it's way into my choices as well. Now that I'm navigating my career path I'm not sure if there are the right choices or not or if these colleges have what I need them to offer?

I just want to make the right choices for me and realizing my choices were too broad and that I needed to be very specific with what I want to pursue in my career path I want to start thinking about these choices now so I can meet the criteria for my college though I am undecided as of now.

answer icon6 answers
Active Nov 10, 2024
location iconLovejoy
undefined's avatar
MaxSep 10, 20242014 views

How should I decide what career path to follow?

There are multiple different things I want to study, but they’re all different from each other and I wont be able to use them all in whatever career I choose. How should I choose which one to study?

answer icon16 answers
Active Oct 04, 2024
location iconHeber City
undefined's avatar
AnthonyAug 28, 2024733 views

I don’t know what I want to do yet?

I am a 7th grader and I don’t know yet what I want to do.

answer icon4 answers
Active Aug 29, 2024
location iconUnited States
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ZoeJul 30, 2024400 views

How much of your job is just filing things?

There are quite a lot of jobs that involve filing in some way or another, so how much of a day is spent putting things where they go so it is findable later.

answer icon1 answers
Active Aug 02, 2024
location iconMarysville