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Namitha’s Avatar
Namitha Aug 15, 2018 921 views

Is it hard for an introvert to become a well respected lawyer?

#lawyer #introverts

ShyAnne’s Avatar
ShyAnne Aug 13, 2018 1298 views

When should I apply to Graduate School?

I’m in my Sophomore year of college and I was thinking about applying for graduate school next Fall semester, or is that too soon? How do I go about it? Or moreover, what is the process? #Graduate #Master

ShyAnne’s Avatar
ShyAnne Aug 13, 2018 1094 views

How can I get the full college experience as a commuter?

I’m a commuter at my school, which has only a small percentage of commuters, I am trying to get involved, but everything be at night and I hate driving at night, so is there a way for a commuter to get the full college experience? #commuter

Annisleisy’s Avatar
Annisleisy Aug 12, 2018 941 views

What career can you purse with a degree in business Managment ?

I am currently a High School senior and want to purse a career in business


Tyiana’s Avatar
Tyiana Aug 11, 2018 801 views

What are the struggles that a double major must take on during their first year of college?

#college #advice #doublemajor #firstyear #freshmen #

Tyiana’s Avatar
Tyiana Aug 11, 2018 882 views

What is a typical week for a computer programer? What are some important key points to look for in while applying for coleges to ensure a benefical education for computer science?

#college #advice #computerscience #computerprogrammer #research

Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Aug 06, 2018 1288 views

Is it worth it to study abroad if you are going to have tough classes that semester?

I want to study abroad but I don't know if I would get a lot out of the experience if I was taking a heavy course load. I know a lot of people take a light course load the semester they are studying abroad. #StudyAbroad

Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Aug 03, 2018 718 views

What year in college should someone first start doing observation hours if they are looking to go to graduate school for physical therapy?

Graduate schools suggest completing observation hours in different physical therapy setting. #Gradschool #physical-therapist #physical-therapy

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