3 answers
Matthew’s Answer
Pilots like many subjects, but you should be good at math up to an algebra level. You should also like physics and chemistry.
Dennis’s Answer
Hello Ethan! Your question is what we term "open-ended." You didn't say that you are interested in becoming a pilot, an airplane mechanic, an aeronautical engineer or what?? And you like airplanes. That's great! Your question reminds me that there are "aptitude/interest" tests, often administered by school guidance counselors or career consultants. These tests try to compare your responses to questions with responses by people in different occupational groups. So, the test result may be interpreted as "Do I like ( most of ) the same things that xxxs do?" If there is a strong correlation, that might help you to decide if you should pursue a career in xxx versus a career in yyy. I would encourage you to take such a test. You school guidance counselor should be able to help you find the right resource people.
If you think that you want to pursue a career involving aircraft, your next step should be to learn more about the different activities associated with flight, flying and aircraft. There is probably a place for you. Good luck, Ethan!
If you think that you want to pursue a career involving aircraft, your next step should be to learn more about the different activities associated with flight, flying and aircraft. There is probably a place for you. Good luck, Ethan!