4 answers
Why did you choose this work?
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4 answers
Evan’s Answer
Laws govern every facet of our life, and interpreting, applying, influencing, or enacting these laws can allow you to make a great living, be involved in an industry that you are interested in, and challenge yourself intellectually. I often times think people view legal careers as boring or limited to only a few major practice areas ( e.g., criminal law, corporate transactions, litigation). However, the truth is lawyers are working behind the scenes in an incredibly diverse array of industries and roles. Your favorite musician needs legal representation when signing a record label, a lawyer helped negotiate the purchase or investment in your favorite restaurant, a lawyer helped protect the intellectual property of your favorite brands, and a team of lawyers is certainly helping champion the political causes important to you. If you like reading, writing, and solving problems, a legal career can allow you to apply those skills to what you are passionate about. The price to pay in order to have that opportunity is years of hard work, school, and a commitment to learn, but if the career is right for you, the opportunity is worth pursuing.
Good luck
Good luck
Donna’s Answer
I became an attorney because I really enjoy helping people and solving problems. Also, legal issues are very complicated and there are typically no easy answers, so it requires a lot of thought and creativity, as well. I also enjoy reading and writing, which is a big part of a lawyer's day to day work.
Stefanie’s Answer
Hi Annabelle - great question! I originally chose to be a lawyer because I wanted to help people, and maybe also because I always liked to analyze things, and argue... ;-) Before I started law school, I gained some experience working as a paralegal, including in a Prosecutor's office. That experience convinced me that I wanted to pursue a career as lawyer and at the time, I thought I wanted to be a criminal lawyer. However, after many years of practicing, in different fields and roles, I am now an in-house employment lawyer at a big company. I think what I'd say of my experience is that I've learned that there are many ways to practice law and always opportunities to learn and grow and be challenged every day. Even though I've been in my current role for 18 years, there is always a new experience, new people, and of course, the laws constantly change - all of that makes my job exciting and satisfying. So, I would say that if you like to read, write, analyze (and maybe argue... :-)), law is a great career to pursue, and you'll find that there are many different fields and work environments in which you can practice.
Good luck!!
Good luck!!
Natalia’s Answer
I chose law because I was interested in the intricacies of language - law is language in the first place - in the interpretation, differentiating and subsumption work and there was something in the ability to speak authoritatively about conflicting situations that appealed to me. I guess I was always into solving puzzles and not even in the way you might think - not in the sense of criminal law pursuits but law takes you into the realm of overall analysis of social interactions that you then need to find a fitting norm for.
I guess this profession can be for plenty different types of people, each of us wanting something slightly different from it, but I'm always gonna appeal to the youth reason saying one major thing: this job is mostly reading and reading A LOT. In many cases it is also about writing a lot but to me the biggest part of the lawyer's job is reading. If you don't like reading, it you don't want to spend ours interpreting the scope of terms and how they logically present themselves - you most probably won't like this job.
I guess this profession can be for plenty different types of people, each of us wanting something slightly different from it, but I'm always gonna appeal to the youth reason saying one major thing: this job is mostly reading and reading A LOT. In many cases it is also about writing a lot but to me the biggest part of the lawyer's job is reading. If you don't like reading, it you don't want to spend ours interpreting the scope of terms and how they logically present themselves - you most probably won't like this job.