1 answer
What are the key things that high schoolers should include in a resume?
In highschool, I am part of sport teams and have participated in programs, how can I include these things and make it sound professional? What else can I add to make my resume look better?
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1 answer
Eric Scott’s Answer
If you're in high school, most employers will understand that you probably don't have a resume yet because you're busy with school. So, just talk about what you enjoy at school, what activities you do there, and what you like to do after school. Don't stress about sounding professional—they know you're not a young genius like Doogie Howser. Just be honest about who you are, what you want to do after high school, and what hobbies you enjoy in your free time. If someone expects you to sound super professional, that's pretty unusual. Just keep things simple and straightforward! 😊