What are some good questions to ask the interviewer to get a better understanding of the company you work for
to prepare yourself for the interview and look more prepared #computer-software #computer #management #university #accounting #marketing-and-advertising #job-application
53 answers
Martina’s Answer
QUESTION #1: What do the day-to-day responsibilities of the role look like?
QUESTION #2: What are the company's values?
QUESTION #3: What's your favorite part about working at the company?
QUESTION #4: What does success look like in this position, and how do you measure it?
John’s Answer
I believe asking the interviewer about their journey and understanding why they work for the company is a great way to learn about the company.

Charles M Hurd
Charles M’s Answer
Let me make sure I understand what you are asking.
You said "What are some good questions to ask the interviewer to get a better understanding of the company you work for. to prepare yourself for the interview and look more prepared."
I'm assuming the interviewer is working for the company you want to understand better. is that correct?
One interpretation of your question is that you want to "get a better understanding of the company you [Abbas] wants to work for"
Another interpretation of your question is that you want to "get a better understanding of the company the interviewer works for".
So you want to know more about the company that you are applying for a job at, is that correct?
First of all, if you are interviewing for a job at a company, you will have wanted to do your homework and learned as much about the company as you can by researching it.
When you are looking at the company web site, you want to ask yourself a few questions.
Who are the company's customers?
What industries are the customer's in?
What problems do they have, that the company you are investigating provides solutions for?
What are the solutions the company provides to it's customers?
how did the company get started?
how is the company divided up?
where are the major locations are
Big companies usually have several large divisions with different products and different customers. So you want to make sure you understand the division of the company that the interviewer is representing.
Example: Toyota sells cars and trucks. But they also have a division that sells money to people who want to buy cars and trucks (Toyota Financial). You don't want to be prepared for an interview with the division that sells cars, when you are actually talking with the division that makes car loans.
The important thing to ask is a question that shows you have done your homework and researched as much as you can about the company.
If you can ask them about news releases you have found on their web site, or something you have read in the news about the company, that is good.
If you have not already uncovered it by looking on the web site, ask them about their quality policy and how they make sure they are meeting the needs of their customers?
if you don't already know, ask them about special programs they have for new college hires.
If the web site does not tell you, ask what they do to treat their employees right.
Ask them about what they are doing to attract the kinds of employees they want to hire.
Ask them why it's better to work for them than for their competitors?
hope those questions help
Alyssa’s Answer
Cinthya’s Answer
- How long have you been working in this company? Depending on their answer ask what brought them here or what keeps them there?
- Also is important to keep in mind work/life balance and how this place out.
- If they have any programs for continuing education?
- What are the perks that they are offered?
I will say that the most important part is to be clear with what you want and make sure your job place matches us those need.
Noah’s Answer
"How has (your company) helped develop your skills?"
"Did you face any challenges in your first few months on the job? How were you able to tackle those?"
"How do you feel that you've grown over your time at this company?"
Hopefully they will respond with a candid answer
Alexandra’s Answer
Sure, there are many questions you can ask the interviewer. Your questions should focus on the strategy/future of the company and on the expectations for your role. Here are some examples:
- What is the company's strategy for the next 5 years? Is the company growing?
- What is the path to promotion?
- Do people work with teams and collaborate?
- What are the main groups/departments within the company and how do they interact?
- What is the company culture like?
- To what extent will I have contact with clients in my role?
- Does the company have a mentoring system/program?
- What is the annual review process like?
Paul’s Answer
I like asking about challenges and successes.
I.E what is the hardest part of working at X? What is your proudest accomplishment at X? If it is a new/growth company, asking "what do you think the next 1-5 years will look like?"
Jodi V.’s Answer
Abbey’s Answer
Alex’s Answer
Jerel’s Answer
What are the company’s values? What characteristics do you look for in employees in order to represent those values?
What’s your favorite part about working at the company?
What does success look like in this position, and how do you measure it?
Are there opportunities for professional development? If so, what do those look like?
What do you see as the most challenging aspect of this job?
Katherine’s Answer
I think they best way to have a good interview, begins with being prepared for the interview. I think it's best to look up the company and learn about what they do, how they give back to the community, and what the culture is like. I would always ask "What makes you get up in the morning for work?" This question gets the interviewer thinking about what actually motivates them at the company.
Anita’s Answer
Questions to consider to ensure you are aligned with the company you are interviewing with
1. What are the companies Values ?
2. Tell me about a typical day in this company/department /role etc
3.Describe the Co Culture
Lauren’s Answer
Alnaya’s Answer
Denise’s Answer
Jp’s Answer
1) What is company's expectation to this role?
2) Per our discussion in the interview, what's your expectation to me? Do you have any suggestion I can do further improvement if I am qualified for the role.
Sarah’s Answer
To add to some great answers above, I would ask what the interviewer thinks about the company culture and values - I find that working for a company that reflects your own principles makes it easier to be loyal and hard-working. For me, ethics are very important as well as an emphasis on people development and flexibility. Something I didn't realise when I joined my company was that the option to move around different business groups and functions would turn out to be a key reason for staying with the company so perhaps think a few steps ahead of the job you are going for - what would progression look like? Would you be able to move around to gain experience? How is the company viewed within the industry?
Good luck with your career.
Chris’s Answer
Jordan’s Answer
I find that typically at the end of the interview, those holding it expect you to ask a few questions. The questions you ask should focus on the key areas that are important to you when finding a career. This can range from salary to company culture to future career opportunities within that company – this varies for everyone. Another thing that could impact the questions you ask is information and conversation you’ve had. Most times out of the questions you’ve prepared to ask usually 1 or 2 are answered prior to the end of the interview. Taking notes during the interview can help you not only remember for later, but also serve as a reminder that you’ve gotten the answer to that question and can replace it for another question.
Keep the questions focused on the details that you value when choosing a career. Some questions that I’ve used in the past are:
1. What can I expect from a day to day operations standpoint for this position?
2. Can you please describe the company’s work environment and team culture.
3. Why did you come to this company?
4. Where do you see this company in the next few years? What excites you the most about the company’s future?
5. Can I answer any final questions for you?
Each of these questions’ centers on a different aspect of the job or company. Any of these questions have the potential for sparking further discussions. The last question gives an opportunity for interviewer to ask any questions he may have missed. It also makes sure they have all the information they need and that you’re ready for the next steps.
Hopefully this helps -- Good luck!
Sara’s Answer
I ask it for a few reasons. The big one is pretty obvious, to get clarity on what success looks like. If the hiring manager has a clear and concise answer it signals to me that the priorities of the team are clear. And that is usually a pretty good indicator that the company priorities are clear as well (although you can always ask a follow up about that). If they stumble or are genuinely thrown by the question it makes me ask more questions around the company goals and how the work the team I'm apply for fits into those goals.
I also always try to ask a humanizing question. Something like "what gets you out of bed and coming here each day", "what work here are you most proud of?", or even questions around team dynamics, "do you all do lunches or happy hours together"? Small signals to see if people are opting in to spending additional time together usually means it has potential to be a fun and friendly environment.
Sam’s Answer
- What would I be working on in this role?
- What does an average work day look like for you, or for the role I'm interviewing for?
- How is my potential team organized and how do its members effectively work together?
- What do you (the interviewer) like about work at X company? Is there anything you don't like?
It's always good to remember that the company is not only interviewing you, but you are interviewing them as well. Any good interviewer should always give you time to ask questions, and will want to hear good ones, because they show you are really thinking about the role in a deep way, and that you are genuinely interested in it. Whenever I ask a candidate if they have any questions for me, and they decline, its always a negative factor in the hiring decision.
Shante’s Answer
Hi Abbas,
I think to give more insight on your question, would be to do some research on the company prior to the interview. Know the Founder, President/CEO, as much information as possible in the event you are asked questions, but also so you can let the interviewer know that you have knowledge regarding the company and things you want have better clarification on. All the advice provided above is great and you should think about what field or industry you want to be in. Pick a career that is versatile and you are compelled to stay in that field forever.
Patricia’s Answer
You can research your interviewers on LinkedIn prior to the meeting, and consider they may also be researching you. Also look at the company website, LinkedIn and Glassdoor, Facebook, etc. pages to get a feel for the activities beyond work. It's OK to reference you looked at their profile.
"Can you share with me your experience here?"
"What do you like the most about working here?"
Ask questions about events and activities you saw in your research and find out if the interviewer has been involved, his/her experience.
Hopeful you get a good, engaged employee as your panelist and you are able to start a good conversation to determine if the company is a fit. You will likely stand out to the interviewer too! interviewing interview
Remy’s Answer
Xiang’s Answer
Hi Abbas,
It will help if you know what you want to get out of the question. What are you trying to get an understanding of? For example, do you want to know what people's days are like? Or do you want to know the career path that people take? Or do you simply want to know about the team culture? I would suggest taking some time and have specific questions as they also help recruiters/interviewers to give answers and help you make your decision.
Aneree’s Answer
Justin’s Answer
This is a very good question. One question you could ask is about the company's culture, this will give you a good idea of whether you are a good fit. You could also ask about the values of the company which will allow you to see if there are shared values between you and the company. Another thing you could do is research about the different companies you are interested in and finding the one that appeals to you the most. Good luck!
Nadine’s Answer
Remember that an interview is just as much them asking you questions as you asking them. You want to make sure this is also a good fit for you!
Lauren’s Answer
Michelle’s Answer
I think asking about the company's initiatives is always good. For example, do they have a Diversity & Inclusion Network, a Tech Committee, a Newsletter Team? This way you would know a few different ways you could get involved beside just working at the Company. Joining a committee or a group gives you access to other individuals outside of those you work directly with and can help expand your network at the company.
Kristen’s Answer
I am glad you are thinking about what questions you would ask! As an interviewer I always leave time for questions as it allows me to see how invested the candidate is in the career or my company. I would encourage you to spend time thinking about what is important to you? What are the characteristics of a Company you want to work for? Spend some time on the Company's website as well to review their mission and vision. However, even if you can find the answers on the website still ask the questions.
Some of the questions I liked are:
- what does your training program look like? How does the Company invest in continual learning and improvement?
- do you work independently or in teams? How are teams structured and supported?
- what does work/life balance mean to you and the Company?
- what are things you like about the Company, what do you dislike?
- what does the Company do to support the community?
Keep in mind, if you have multiple interviewers you can ask the same questions. Each person will have a different perspective.
Abgour’s Answer
Abbas, you have asked a very good question. You should know that curious candidates tend to have a better impression than those who ask no questions during job interviews. Unfortunately, lots of job seekers focus more on answering that they forget to prepare good questions for the employer too. Posing your questions during the interview does not only show that you possess the qualifications needed for the position, but it’ll help clarify a lot of ambiguities that might rise up after you get the job, such as if this is an organization you really want to be a part of.
In order to ask the right question, a painstaking research is necessary so that you can understand what the company does and what its future projects are, it will show that you are in the conversation too and that the interview is not a one way street. There are several right questions you can ask; for instance, ask about the team you will be working with. The way you ask the question assumes you will get the job. Do not forget to ask about the trainings they offer and their onboarding process. Personally, I like asking about plans of growth and if the environment offers an evolving context for its employees. This particular question shows that you are looking for prosperity within that company. Also, do not hesitate to ask questions regarding who previously held the position. Although it may seem unnecessary, but this direct question will help you have an idea about if the workers within that organization are happy or not (got promoted, fired, resigned, etc.).
I wish you a very good luck.
Paul’s Answer
I personally think the best questions to ask are the ones you truly want to know. With that said, however, the questions that I usually ask are ones that are more personal to the interviewer such as: What are the pros and cons of your job in the company? What would you say is a highlight of your line of work at this company? What does a typical day look like? What's your favorite perks of the job?
By making questions more personal, it'll have more credibility as interviewers usually speak from a bias standpoint of positively representing the company they're working for.
Raj’s Answer
1. What is your interviewers' day-to-day job like and what would your day-to-day look like?
2. What excited them to work for the company?
3. How many people would you directly work with? What is the team like?
4. What is the company culture like?
5. How is feedback given to employees?
6. What are the company's business current focus areas as a whole?
7. Are employees rewarded for excellent work?
8. When can I expect to hear back from you?
Alyssa’s Answer
Company culture can drastically impact how you socialize with coworkers and the general environment you are spending most of your time in. Personally, I think that finding a company culture that you feel comfortable in can have a huge impact on your daily happiness. I always make sure that I ask this in an interview so I can get a feel for what type of organization they are. For example, If they are more of a heads down workplace, and you are a naturally social person, it may not be the right fit for you to thrive in.
Alicia’s Answer
Krishna’s Answer
Michael’s Answer
Aaliyah’s Answer
- How long have you worked for the organization and what do you like about your role?
- How have you grown in your career in your current role? How has the organization supported this?
- What are the strategic priorities of the organization?
- How are staff evaluated?
I hope these help and best of luck.
Vic’s Answer
Jordan’s Answer
Having been someone who has interviewed a very large number of people I have been asked a great deal of questions. Below are a few of my favorites, as I feel they show you have a genuine interest and are committed to long term goals:
- What is the company's mission statement?
- What are the current goals of the company/department?
- What do you feel are traits that fit best in the environment you work in?
Honestly, any time an candidate has well thoughtout questions, it shows interest and I remember them. Do some research, know the company/position you are walking into the interview for. Show them that you are genuinely interested by being engaged and I am sure you will do well!
moises’s Answer
The one thing I remember that helped me get into the company I'm today was that I did my research of the company and the product I was interviewing for. I searched the web and found quite a bit of information. When I when into the interviews, it really did help me. I could relate to the interviewers and they were willing to share even more information.
Jonathan’s Answer
Lola’s Answer
What is your management style?
What are the growth opportunities within the firm?
What does a leadership team do to motivate their employees?
What are the learning opportunities within the firm?
Eric’s Answer
Chirayu’s Answer
-Can you tell me about the company culture and values?
-How does the company measure success and what are its future goals?
-What are the biggest challenges the company is facing, and how does this role fit in to help address these challenges?
-Can you describe the team I'll be working with, and what the team dynamic is like?
-How does the company support employee development and growth?
-Can you tell me about the company's approach to work-life balance?
-Can you provide examples of how the company encourages innovation and new ideas?
-Can you tell me about the company's approach to diversity, equity and inclusion?
-How does the company measure the success of its employees, and what kind of opportunities for advancement are available?
-Can you provide an overview of the company's community involvement and philanthropic efforts?
Davor’s Answer
Typical questions to ask:
How does a typical day look like?
How does the company balance the work/life balance?
How does continuing education work?

James Constantine Frangos
James Constantine’s Answer
Questions to Ask an Interviewer to Understand the Company Better
When preparing for an interview, it’s crucial to ask insightful questions that not only demonstrate your interest in the position but also help you gauge whether the company aligns with your career goals and values. Here are some effective questions you can consider:
1. Can you describe the company culture? Understanding the company culture is vital as it influences employee satisfaction and productivity. This question allows you to learn about the work environment, team dynamics, and overall atmosphere within the organization.
2. What are the company’s core values? Asking about core values helps you determine if your personal values align with those of the company. It provides insight into what the organization prioritizes, such as innovation, teamwork, or customer service.
3. How does this role contribute to the company’s goals? This question shows that you are thinking about how your work will impact the organization. It also gives you a clearer picture of what is expected from you and how your success will be measured.
4. What opportunities are there for professional development? Inquiring about professional growth opportunities indicates that you are interested in advancing your skills and career within the company. It also reveals how much emphasis the organization places on employee development.
5. Can you tell me about the team I would be working with? Understanding who you’ll be collaborating with can help you assess whether you’d fit well within that team. It also allows you to learn more about their roles and how they interact with one another.
6. What challenges is the company currently facing? This question demonstrates your proactive approach and willingness to engage with potential issues facing the organization. It can provide valuable context regarding market conditions or internal challenges.
7. How does performance feedback work here? Knowing how feedback is given can inform you about management styles and expectations regarding performance reviews, which can significantly affect job satisfaction.
8. What does success look like in this position? This question helps clarify expectations for your role and what metrics or outcomes will define success, allowing you to understand how to excel in your position.
9. Are there any upcoming projects or initiatives that this team will be involved in? Learning about future projects gives insight into where the company is headed and how your role might evolve over time.
10. How does the company support work-life balance? Inquiring about work-life balance shows that you value a healthy lifestyle alongside professional responsibilities, which is increasingly important in today’s workplace environment.
By asking these questions during an interview, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of not only what it would be like to work at that company but also whether it aligns with your own career aspirations and personal values.
Top 3 Authoritative Sources Used in Answering this Question:
1. Harvard Business Review: This source provides research-based insights on workplace culture and employee engagement, offering guidance on effective communication during interviews.
2. Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM): SHRM offers comprehensive resources on best practices for interviewing, including questions that candidates should consider asking employers to assess fit.
3. Forbes: Forbes frequently publishes articles on career development strategies, including tips for job seekers on how to prepare meaningful questions for interviews that reflect their interests and concerns regarding potential employers.
Probability of correctness: 95%
God Bless You!
Sebastian’s Answer
To get more insight into the company culture, about people working here and their attitude.
What does the company offer regarding career path development.
Try to get a feeling how much people feel involved into the company.
Who had the job before me and why is this job position open now.