Can you get your Masters and Bachelors degree at the same time?
I am considering going into information technologies. I was wondering whether or not I can get my Bachelpr's and Master's degree at the same time in undergrad and/or grad school. #degrees #BS #MBA #help #highschool
6 answers
Casey’s Answer
Hi Zoya! I actually did a 5 year Masters and Bachelors degree program and I believe it was definitely worth the time and the effort. If you believe that attaining a Masters degree is something that you definitely want to do, then look for colleges with this program. Coming out of school with a Masters degree will not only expand your knowledge but it will make you more marketable in the workplace. There are many schools that are now offer this accelerated program and they can easily be found with a simple search. I hope you find the school that is right for you!
Simeon’s Answer
Michelle’s Answer
Kara’s Answer
David’s Answer
Most schools will offer a BS/MS as well. My school offered this in Computer Science.
Basically, your electives focus on the Master's Degree, instead of a broader Bachelor's education.
And if you're really daring, some schools offer joint MBA/JD degrees and the like.
David recommends the following next steps:
Karla’s Answer
Good luck!