what degree do you need for soccer?
I am 12 years old and I am in 6th grade and I want to be a professional goalkeeper for Real Madrid or Manchester United #sports #soccer #trainer
3 answers
Emmanuel Omeonu
Emmanuel’s Answer
you don't need a degree, you will have the degree holders working for you, what you need is hardwork and dedication
Wael’s Answer
I think you need to write them! They might answer you and keep you in mind for when you become older.
Michael’s Answer
Stay active with all local soccer programs, including summer camps. Soccer is a sport of stamina-you have to be in great shape. Get the attention of coaches and trainers. Keeping your grades up is a very important part of any plan. As a soccer coach I can tell you that many players don't want to be a goalie which makes the position very hard to fill. But, you should learn as many positions as possible just to cover all possibilities. Having a degree to fall back on, sports management, Sports Trainer, is always a great idea. Remember to stay with any dream even if you run into any negative experiences. You picked to great teams to be a part of by the way, good luck.