Are internships important to have in high school?
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9 answers
Stephen’s Answer
The short answer is probably.
It will depend on your plans for after high school. If you are interested in going into a trade-school, having "real life" experience will be very helpful in not only starting the learning process, but in helping you to understand if this is in fact the right profession for you. If your plans for after high school include college, than an internship can look very good on your admissions application. In general, schools want to see you keep your grades up while doing additional activities. (My daughter is a rising senior and is in the process of looking at colleges) If you know what your major will be, than an internship that supports that goal could be very helpful as it shows a dedication towards your objective.
An internship is possibly most beneficial when it helps you eliminate an option. If you thought you wanted to go to veterinary school, so you intern at the local animal shelter, and discover that you are totally freaked out by reptiles. It is much better (and cheaper) to discover that now rather than once you have enrolled in wrong college.
To think of it another way - if you have the time and can fit it into your schedule, there are not many downsides to doing an internship. It will give you exposure to a different set of people, and experiences, and that is almost always a good thing for you.
Rachel’s Answer
Brian’s Answer
These opportunities help you to develop more adult-oriented skills like time management, task management, collaboration, consultation, and help-seeking behaviors. More than that, though, they help you to establish connections which help you to feel more integrated into your community.
Volunteering or internships after high school can also be helpful. You develop connections with people in occupations which interest you. Those people sometimes have the power to help you locate suitable employment or even put in a good word for you. Beyond that, it also shows potential employers that you have hands-on experience and are responsible enough to take your job seriously.

Connor Ericksen-Dunn
Connor’s Answer
Anita’s Answer
Hi Reva,
That's a great question to be asking while in high school. An internship, at this point in your education, is really more about helping you to explore your interests and learn about different careers that are "out there" than it is for any kind skill development. If you are thinking about college, this kind of opportunity can help you narrow down possible college majors or even college choices. If you are thinking about vocational school, this kind of experience can help educate you on what the scope of the job is like.
However, if you do not have the opportunity to do an internship, it's okay. You need not worry. Life has a way of helping you figure it all out; but sometimes, it takes longer, involves more trial and error, and your intended path may be a less unclear as you explore. If your school can offer this opportunity to you, it is a wise decision to take advantage of that and explore an interest. The more you can do in high school to help yourself explore your interests and narrow down or even eliminate some, the easier time you will have deciding which college major(s) you would enjoy. The more self-assured you can be about making these choices, the more confident you will be with your career choice. Best of luck!
Julie Diane (JD)’s Answer
Kudos to you for thinking about preparing with more than just academics or formal study.
Yes! Any workplace experience will help you. This includes an internship (either paid or unpaid) or volunteer work.
Three major benefits of gaining internship or volunteer experience are:
1. It will help you stand out from those who only have a degree or other academic accomplishments when you apply for jobs.
2. It will provide you with networking contacts and references.
3. It will make your transition from school to your career much easier for you because you will have experience in a workplace and not just in a classroom.
Even working or volunteering in an unrelated field during your summer breaks or part-time during school can be helpful because it shows employers that you have experience in a workplace environment, not just a class environment.
Best of luck!
Emily’s Answer
Yes internships are important to have in high school. Internships will help build your experience level in fields of your interest and will help build your college application. Colleges tend to like students who are well rounded and have obtained volunteering and internships roles. It is best to start finding internships in your sophomore year of high school and actively participate in the programs. You can find internships through your school counselors or through linkedin.
Shruti’s Answer
It is not as important to have internships in high school as it is to have in college. That being said, if you do get an internship in high school it will definitely look great for your resume, give you some great experience, and maybe help you realize what you want to major in at college if you are confused about that.