Will I be able to study other things in college and then somehow apply them to what my major is?
#choosing-a-major #college-major #majors #physicists #astronomy #environmental
5 answers
Whitney’s Answer
Hi Isabelle,
Many degree programs have credits needed for electives. For these electives, you can pick classes that you want to take. If you have interests in something other than your major, this will give you the opportunity to learn about different fields. You can then use these courses to relate them to your major and the field you want to go into.
Bryce’s Answer
In college you do have great freedom for the most part. Your first two years will be general education requirements, but you are given multiple choices within each category. For some of your general education classes, you will have to take specific ones because they are prerequisites for your major, but for the most part you have freedom to take any class that applies to each category. Once you get into your major you will have certain classes that are required for your major, then you will have what is called a restricted elective. Restrictive electives consists of courses that are related to your field of study, but may not be directly related to your major. I hope this helped you get insight on what to expect with college courses.
Anna’s Answer
Coming out of school and realizing how many different types of jobs exist can be overwhelming but the best way to see if something is a fit for you is to try it out. One of my favorite quotes is "You can't connect the dots looking backward" by Steve Jobs from his Stanford commencement speech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UF8uR6Z6KLc
Also, study abroad if you can, I went twice. It's easier than you think it will be. EARLY in your academic journey go talk to an advisor, they can help make it happen. I saved money from going abroad because school fees can be cheaper. If your major has lots of requirements you need to plan ahead. Go see the world, it opens your eyes.
Pro’s Answer
Samantha’s Answer
Most universities offer undergrad classes, general education classes to help you decide on what you want to study. My university allows people to obtain a degree in integrated studies. This means that they were able to take a bunch of different classes from different fields. This makes them very versatile and really helps narrow down what they want to do in life.
Most majors have specific classes that you must take in order to graduate with that degree. There is some wiggle room for electives. Electives are classes from which you have to choose from to fill some gaps and better your education. This is where you get the most say in what you take as a student.
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