Career questions tagged astronomy
What university is best to major in an astronomy-related field?
Somewhere in eastern USA or even better in California
What is a day in the life of an astronomer like? What are the struggles of becoming an astronomer?
I enjoy looking at the stars and have considered going into the physics field. I feel like as a person who loves studying space maybe an astronomer would be a good job. What is a day in the life of an astronomer like and what struggles will it take to become one?
How do I know what I want to do with my future?
Hi! I'm a high school junior with a deep love for sciences (namely chemistry, astronomy, biology), music, and art. Graduation is creeping up on me and I need to get my ducks in a row with where I'll go after high school. I'm fairly certain that I'll meet any academic requirement for college applications (I have a 3.97 unweighted / 100.79 weighted gpa) but I'm torn in about 2,000 different pieces. I can't pinpoint what I want to major in/what career I want to pursue. On one hand, I love chemistry and I plan to take AP chemistry my senior year, so maybe it'd be good for me to pursue a chemistry-related field. But on another hand, I love music, I love band, maybe I should pursue a career in music? There's about a thousand different things I love, things I'm interested in, and things I'm good at. I extend my biggest thanks to anyone who can help me out here or can give a little guidance to others who are as indecisive as I am 🫶
What can I do as a sophomore high schooler to show my interest in and gain experience in astrophysics?
Such as extracurriculars, competitions, clubs, activities I should do?
Is there any free online career counselling websites??
I finished bsc mathematics and but I'm confused about what I do next. I'm interested in subjects like space, history, statistics, computer programming and I also like music and acting. I'm also like solving maths problems. But, I also want to become an entrepreneur and I always think about different business ideas.... I'm really confused about what my real passion and what I want to do or what I'm good at.. what should I do? Is there any free online career counselling websites?
How can I calculate the luminosity of the wolf-rayet star Regor (Gama velorum) if i'm using the inverse square law but need the luminosity of this star in watts. How can I convert this value of its luminosity, (170,000 L☉) to watts I've been trying to figure out how to calculate this in order to convert it into my equation of b= L / (4pi d^2) if b= apparent brightness L= luminosity of star (in watts) d= distance to the star (in meters) Please let me know, thank you!?
Please guide me of how to convert this correctly and properly address the answer and how to get it.
Hello I am a young adult (21) and I need help finding a career for me?
I’m looking for a career that I can, enjoy and make a healthy living off of I enjoy, quantum physics, and astronomy, but I also enjoy computer science and general script writing. I am having a hard time figuring out where to go in life and what to do if anyone has any good ideas I would really appreciate it I just need to find a clear career goal.
Do you have to be competitive as an astrophysicist?
I'm not much of a competitive person and would rather avoid that stuff, but people say it's a very competitive field. This scares me since it's one of my biggest dreams.
What colleges are good to study psychology at?
What are good, and realistically affordable colleges to major in psychology and to also take astronomy courses. I'm currently in 8th grade but really want to start planning ahead.
What are people's opinions on the new research on the speed of certain particles and the like?
Do you think there are particles that travel faster than the speed of light, or do you think that it is just nonsense? What are your opinions on the celestial bodies found in places previously thought to not exist in those places based on the Big Bang theory?