I want to become a singer,how many years do I have to spend in college to become one?
Can you leave college after thouse years? am I allowed Too? #music
4 answers
David’s Answer
I am not currently aware of any credited vocal colllege. But there may be. Singing for four years only, can fry your vocal cords and they are your life as a singer. If you want to be a singer, start today. And stop talking during the day as much as you can. That will preserve your singing voice. Lip rolls and tounge trills are the best way to develop your voice. Brett Manning: http://singingtosuccess.com/ is a good start. You don’t have to be born with talent to be a singer. You can go to You Tube and look for lip roll demonstration. You should be able to find them there. Feel free to ask me any more questions about vocal training.
Paul’s Answer
That being said, there's a lot to know about music, and even singers should know it. A formal music degree is the most extensive training you can look at, but private lessons are probably the best place to start. And you want a teacher who doesn't just teach you how to sing melody. A singer who will make a living needs to be fluent in harmonies. I'd even argue background singers with strong harmony skills will work more than good melody singers! But you should also learn about song structure, chord progressions, really all of it. Anything you can learn about music will help you be a more valuable talent.
I think the next most important thing singers must understand is the different styles and genres of music, and how it applies to your performance style. You won't last long in an R&B band if you sound country! Learning the genres - and which ones you sing best - will also be a major guide to your next steps.
Angel’s Answer
Hi Yasily,
A college degree is not required to be a professional singer. With that being said, there are some classes that can help you in your career, such as music theory. The college experience can help you be around other musicians, those type of relationships are very helpful down the road. Hope this helps. Best of luck.